
zhē dǎng
  • Occlusion;cover;hide;keep out;block out;shelter from
遮挡 [zhē dǎng]
  • (1) [shelter from;keep out]∶遮蔽阻拦

  • 遮挡寒风

  • (2) [cover]∶用来遮蔽的东西

遮挡[zhē dǎng]
  1. 树木可以遮挡阳光。

    Trees are a shelter from the sun .

  2. 下倾盆大雨猛烈地下雨雨伞不太遮挡得住大雨。

    The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain .

  3. 臭氧层能遮挡住来自太阳的有害射线。

    The ozone layer screens out dangerous rays from the sun .

  4. 面向太阳开车,我们只好遮挡着眼睛。

    Driving into the sun , we had to shade our eyes .

  5. 树木起天然的保护作用,遮挡了阳光的照射。

    The trees form a natural protection from the sun 's rays .

  6. 从这里看舞台,你的视野会受到遮挡。

    You won 't get a clear view of the stage from here .

  7. 他用手遮挡眼前落日耀眼的余晖。

    He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun .

  8. 稍高些的植物遮挡了房内的视线。

    Taller plants interrupt the views from the house .

  9. 我拉下遮阳板来遮挡耀眼的阳光。

    I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light .

  10. 树木遮挡了他的视线,南半广场的一大部分他都无法看清。

    Trees obscured his vision ; he couldn 't see much of the Square 's southern half

  11. 她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带,而不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。

    She said stations should be in the open , near housing , not overshadowed by trees or walls .

  12. 我不得不在红绿灯处停车,然后放下遮阳板来遮挡阳光。

    I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light .

  13. 树木把房屋遮挡住了。

    The trees hid the house from view .

  14. 我把这树丛剪短些好吗?它开始遮挡屋子的光线了。

    Shall I prune this bush down ? it 's beginning to shut out some light from the house .

  15. 在广告时间,荧幕下方会出现一块用于向观众推销的遮挡区。观众点击一个按钮就可以中请获得一份免费的样品或订购一本产品目录。

    During commercials , an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen , prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue .

  16. 它们看起来很漂亮,不遮挡太多光线。

    They looked pretty and did not keep out much light .

  17. 它依然拱起它那庞大的圆弧,遮挡了山峰。

    There it raises its large curves still , eclipsing the hills .

  18. 根据约翰霍普金斯大学的研究,与嗅觉有关的人体细胞是冠状病毒入侵的关键目标,因此鼻子遮挡物至关重要。

    Human cells that give people a sense of smell are a key entry point for coronavirus , making nose coverings important , according to Johns Hopkins University .

  19. 在机械CAD的装配图绘制中,存在零部件之间的遮挡问题。

    There are problems of shielding among parts in scaling mechanical blueprint .

  20. 但由于信号易受障碍物的遮挡,GPS不适于室内场合。

    However , signal is susceptible to obstacles , GPS is not suitable for indoor applications .

  21. 论文将Kalman滤波器与MeanShift算法相结合应用于目标遮挡情况下的目标跟踪。

    This paper focuses on achieving objects tracking in occlusion instance by combining Kalman filter with Mean Shift algorithm .

  22. 骨断端加压固定既能显著提高骨外固定刚度(P<0.05),又能非常显著地降低应力遮挡率(P<0.0001)。

    Compression of the external skeletal fixation can not only improve the stiffness of the external skeletal fixation , but also reduce the rate of stress-protection significantly .

  23. 利用车速传感器和压电陀螺仪进行汽车的航位推算,成功解决由于GPS信号被遮挡不能定位的情形。

    Dead reckoning of cars is widely used in positioning with speed sensor and gyroscope when the GPS signal is obstructed .

  24. 实验采用遮挡范式(occlusionparadigm),遮挡一段固定的距离,让被试估计该段距离所用的时间。自变量为移动速度与挡板的宽度。

    In the occlusion paradigm we sheltered a settled distance from the subjects and then told them to estimate the time .

  25. 利用此参数可有效提高遮挡条件下手持式GPS的测量精度,且操作简单,实用性强。

    The accuracy of positioning by portable GPS receivers under obstruction conditions will be improved effectively , moreover , it 's easy to operate and practical .

  26. 这意味着,当GPS信号被遮挡,GLONASS卫星将是一个很好的补充。

    This means that when the GPS signal is blocked , GLONASS satellites will be a good supplement .

  27. 基于ARG模型识别局部被遮挡物体

    Recognition of partially occluded objects based on ARG model

  28. 利用改进的Hough变换检测目标形状特征,解决目标区域出现阴影及目标被部分遮挡对识别的影响。

    Shape features of certain object with shadow on it or visualizing partly are detected by improved Hough transform .

  29. AFE算法的局限性是对噪声比较敏感,并且要求前景移动物体的完整性,即遮挡处理(OcclusionHandling),这是也是迄今为止大部分人体视觉系统不能很好解决的问题之一。

    But it is sensitive of noise and Occlusion Handling , which is also the problem of most Visual Analysis System .

  30. CFRP具弹性模量与骨相近似的特点应用骨折内固定可以减少应力遮挡,避免钢板取出后的再骨折,有利于骨折愈合。

    CFRP and bone have similar characteristics in elastic mould . It can reduce stress protection and avoid re-fracture after steel plat removal .