首页 / 词典 / good

  • city;town;county;in yìyì 邑邑
  • 城市,都城:城~。都~。

  • 旧指县:~人(同乡的人)。~庠(明清时称县学)。~宰。

  • 古代诸侯分给大夫的封地:采~。

  • 古同“悒”,愁闷不安。

  1. 西汉大兴陵邑之风有其特殊的政治背景和经济原因。

    The establishment of cemetery town have their special political background and economic reasons .

  2. 武汉历史文化旅游资源按照史前文明时期、军事城堡时期、封建镇邑时期和近代都会时期四个时期分类,可以囊括所有的历史文化旅游资源并对其文化内涵进行分析;

    Wuhan history and culture according to prehistoric civilization period , military castle period , feudal town city period and know period modern times tourist resources , can include all tourist resources of history and culture and analyze their cultural intension ;

  3. 后邑沮丧地垂下了骄傲的头颅。

    Finally Hou Yi dropped his head downcast .

  4. 后裔看着一尺见方的靶心,想着即将到手的万两黄金或即将失去的千户封邑,心潮起伏,难以平静,平素不在话下的靶心变得格外地遥远。

    Looking at the target and thinking of the ten thousand liangs of gold and the one thousand fiefs , Hou Yi found it hard to calm himself with surging2 thoughts and emotions . The target ordinarily would be nothing difficult for him . But now it seemed so far away for him .

  5. 绩溪是千年古邑,徽文化的腹地;

    Jixi can date back to thousands of years ago .

  6. 第四章民间社邑组织与社会救助。

    Chapter IV the Sheyi organizations and the social relief .

  7. 身多疾病思田里,邑有流亡愧俸钱。

    More diseases are thought fields , ap pension money has exiled shame .

  8. 西汉初年家庭分异制度的变化与食邑政策的改革,均是以发展农业为目的而作出的政策性调整。

    Changes in household division and the manorial system aimed at developing agriculture .

  9. 周秦都邑迁徙的比较研究

    The Comparing Research on the Capitals Migration of the Zhou and the Qin Dynasty

  10. 然后你必称为公义之城,忠信之邑。

    Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness , the Faithful City .

  11. 依稀相似的潜艇这一岩石遍布海岸附近的梭桃邑。

    Vaguely resembling a submarine this rock is located around the coast near Sattahip .

  12. 洛邑(今河南洛阳)是东周的国都。

    Luoyi ( luoyang in Henan Province ) is the capital of Easterm Zhou Dynasty .

  13. 孔子,出生在鲁国陬邑(今山东境内)。

    Confucius was born in Chou , Lu ( which is now the Shandong Province ) .

  14. [和合]你的圣邑变为旷野,锡安变为旷野,16耶路撒冷成为荒场。

    Thy holy cities are a wilderness , Zion is a wilderness , Jerusalem a desolation .

  15. 秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城。

    Qin to invade , the small ones will be opened , the city will have .

  16. 本文就敦煌社邑的几个问题提出自己的看法。

    This thesis is to present my views on several issues on civil associations of Dunhuang .

  17. 论河南早商都邑遗址的年代及相关问题

    Notes on the Date and Relative Problems of Captial Sites of Early-Shang Dynasty in Henan Province

  18. 以人血建城,以罪孽立邑的有祸了。

    Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood , and stablisheth a city by iniquity !

  19. 其实瓦里斯根本不是任何封邑的领主,他统御的不过是手下那批眼线。

    Varys was lord of nothing but the spiderweb , the master of none but his whisperers .

  20. 周建曹国之先,今菏泽域内便有一个曹邑。

    There was a Cao yi in the area of Heze before zhou Dynasty set up Cao Country .

  21. 棠邑最早的文字记载为周灵王十三年(公元前559年)。

    Tong-eup , the earliest written records of King Ling of Zhou thirteen years ( BC559 years ) .

  22. 天若要此文化流传于世,那匡邑的人又能把我怎么样?

    If heaven wants the culture to be preserved , what can the people in Kuang do to me ?

  23. 以曾巩为代表的南丰曾氏,是郡邑之望族,江南之大家。

    Nanfeng Zeng Clan represented by Zeng Gong was a distinguish family in both local area and Jiangnan region .

  24. 丰城市剑邑大桥桥位通航水流条件二维数学模型研究

    A Study of 2 - D Mathematical Model for Navigation Flow Conditions at Different Locations of Fengcheng City Jianyi Bridge

  25. 巴布堡仅仅是一小市邑,它和其他四个市邑共同选举一名国会议员。

    Bubbleburgh is only one of a set of five boroughs which club their shares for a member of Parliament .

  26. 法兰克斧兵装备战斧和简陋盔甲,属于轻装步兵,通常为封邑贵族雇佣作战。

    Light troops armed with an axe and little armour , often maintained by vassals as part of their feudal service .

  27. 南美近期发现的云比亚瀑布,位于秘鲁北部古邑赛皮思地区辽阔的亚马孙大区。

    South America 's recently discovered Yumbilla Falls is located in the remote Amazon region of northern Peru 's Cuispes district .

  28. 这城邑要归他们居住、邑的郊野、以牧养他们的牛羊、各样的牲畜、可以安置他们的财物。

    Then they will have towns to live in and pasturelands for their cattle , flocks and all their other livestock .

  29. 乾隆版《曲阜县志·类编·著述》,是汇集历代邑人著述的综合性书目,所收之书分类部居,并撰有部序、类序,指明授受源流。

    The Qianlong Edition of Qufu Annals is a comprehensive booklist in which the compilation of books were made in different dynasties .

  30. 一幅清新、明快、绮丽、和谐的图画&《晚登三山还望京邑》解读

    A Fresh , Bright , Gorgeous and Harmonious Picture & A critic of Climb San Mountain and See the Capital City at Night
