
  • 网络That Fall
  1. 那年秋天他来看过我两次,而且经常给我打电话。

    He visited me twice that fall and called me on the telephone often

  2. 那年秋天我们家最需要团聚。

    Our family needed to come together more than ever that fall .

  3. 我们把商业计划发给90家风险资本公司(VC),并进行了超过50次首轮面谈,马修斯博士表示,很多公司有意投资,但没人愿意领头,因为在那年秋天,人人都不愿承受风险。

    We sent the business plan out to 90 VCs and had more than 50 first-round interviews , Dr Matthews says . A lot of companies were interested in investing but no one wanted to take the lead because everyone was so risk-averse that autumn .

  4. 那年秋天他被任命为团长。

    That autumn he was placed in command of a regiment .

  5. 那年秋天,他把全部财产都交给国家。

    That autumn he made over all his property to the state .

  6. 那年秋天,一场的洪水洗劫了圣奥格村。

    That autumn a terrible flood ravaged St. Ogg 's.

  7. 他们本来那年秋天结婚,但她得了重病。

    They were to have been married that fall , but she fell seriously ill .

  8. 她十三岁那年秋天,到处是瘟疫。

    The autumn , when she was13 years old , saw a prevalence of plague .

  9. 那件小巧的皮外套上,上面钉着螺钿的大钮扣,是那年秋天很时行的服装。

    The peculiar little tan jacket with large mother-of-pearl buttons was all the rage that fall .

  10. 当那年秋天红袜队赢得美国职业棒球大赛冠军时,整个国家都欢声一片。

    And when the Red Sox clinched the World Series that fall , the entire nation cheered .

  11. 那年秋天他来到了里德学院,立刻开始竞选学生会主席,

    That fall he headed off to Reed , where he immediately ran for student body president ,

  12. 我是在家中写下那个故事的,时间是在我学会说话之后的那年秋天。

    I wrote the story when I was at home , the autumn after I had learned to speak .

  13. 所以大一那年秋天我决定修神经生物学和高等现代希伯来文学,因为我很严肃、很智慧。

    So freshman fall I decided to take neurologist and advanced modern Hebrew literature because I was serious and intellectual .

  14. 弗里德兰那年秋天从印度回来后,已经起了一个宗教名字,走到哪里都是一双凉鞋和一身飘逸的印度长袍。

    When he returned that fall , Friedland had taken a spiritual name and walked around in sandals and flowing Indian robes .

  15. 那是在2008年倒闭,雷曼兄弟和随后的金融大火那年秋天席卷全球的研究。

    That was before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent financial conflagration that swept the world in the fall of2008 .

  16. 那年秋天他开始录制他的首张由唱片公司推出的专辑《发声中心》,制作人是约翰·阿拉吉亚。

    He began recording his major label debut in the fall with producer John Alagia . The new album , entitled Room for Squares .

  17. 那年秋天,每当举行橄榄球赛时,常出现一种意想不到的乐事:那就是观看迷人的乐队女队长发狂般地扭动着自己的腰部,引得成千上万的观众欢叫不已。

    An unexpected pleasure at football games that autumn was a view of winsome drum majorettes pumping their loins in a frenzy of excitement as thousands cheered .

  18. 但那年秋天的晚些时候,他似乎对于合作有了犹豫,而我不知道的是,他被又一轮癌症并发症侵袭了。

    But later that fall he seemed to have second thoughts about cooperating and , though I didn 't know it , was hit by another round of cancer complications .

  19. 不,但是--想想那年夏天和秋天我是多么期待…

    No , but -- Thinking of how hopeful I was that summer and fall ...

  20. 那年夏天到秋天,该小组在河流沉积物、下水、壤与空气中寻找有毒或放射性污染物。

    Through that summer and fall , the team searched for toxic or radioactive pollution in river sediments , groundwater , soil and air .