
yù mèn
  • depressed;gloomy;melancholy;dreariness;doldrums;overcast
郁闷 [yù mèn]
  • (1) [gloomy;melancholy;depressed]∶愁眉不展的性质或状态

  • (2) [dreariness]∶迟钝和无兴趣状态

郁闷[yù mèn]
  1. 今儿一早就有人在QQ群里说“郁闷”。

    Someone says in QQ group that " gloomy " early in the morning today .

  2. 大学新生郁闷心理分析与对策研究

    Psychological Analysis and Countermeasures of Gloomy Moods Among University Freshmen

  3. 办公室的低沉气氛使她感到郁闷。

    The gloomy atmosphere in the office oppressed her .

  4. 他确实很郁闷。

    He 's really on a downer .

  5. 想到要身居罗斯之下她就很郁闷。

    She hated the thought of playing second fiddle to Rose .

  6. 我一直到6点才极度沮丧和郁闷地离去。

    I left eventually at six o'clock feeling utterly dispirited and depressed .

  7. 她的婚姻陷入困境,她为此非常郁闷。

    Her marriage is in trouble and she is desperately unhappy

  8. 我做了几份薪酬微薄的秘书工作,这让我非常郁闷。

    I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable

  9. 他很郁闷,因为他的申请已被拒绝。

    He was upset because his application had been rejected .

  10. 那里的经济形势令人郁闷。

    The economic situation there is depressing .

  11. 那本书让他看得心情郁闷。

    That book depressed him .

  12. 失败的消息使他们满怀郁闷。

    The news of defeat filled them all with gloom .

  13. 坏天气使我感到郁闷。

    Bad weather depresses me .

  14. 诚然,商店关门、高管郁闷、股票下跌也说明情况并非如此。

    Of course , the closed stores , depressed executives , and sinking stocks suggest otherwise .

  15. Postmodemdepression(断网抑郁症)指无法连接到网络(也就是不能刷微博、微信和QQ)很“长”时间时的郁闷心情,这里所谓的很“长”时间,其实可能也就几分钟而已。

    Postmodem depression is the unpleasant feeling you get when you haven 't had access to the Internet ( i.e. QQ , Weibo and WeChat ) for a " long " time , like several minutes .

  16. 这次考试没通过,他感到很郁闷。

    He felt melancholy after he failed the exam .

  17. 苏珊今天早上郁闷不乐,因为昨晚没睡好。

    Susan was sullen in the morning because she hadn 't slept well .

  18. 这就是“圣诞节综合症”。他从七月份起就开始数着日子盼望圣诞节的到来,结果郁闷地发现圣诞节过得如此匆匆,也没什么意思。

    He 's been counting down the days since July , and has came down with a bad case of Christmas Syndrome .

  19. 回忆我在圣·蒙塔格大学的生活,我总是会想到我在那的第一年时发生的这件事。当时,我非常郁闷得发现我得和三个当时看来很博学的学生共享图书馆。

    In the process of recalling my college days , I am reminded of that momentous1 occasion during my first year at St Montague 's , when , by some irksome and malign2 fate , I discovered myself sharing the confines of the school library with three well-read scholars of that time .

  20. C.心情郁闷。

    C. have a sphincter the size of a pinhead .

  21. 当我发现IE不工作的时候,我很郁闷。

    I felt dejected when I got to know that IE is not working .

  22. 搜索应用时缺乏检查拼写,这只是AndroidMarket的导航让人郁闷的一个次要原因。

    The lack of spell-check when searching for apps is just a minor reason why navigating the Android Market can be so frustrating .

  23. 今天我是也了,心情郁闷,就找出自己最喜欢的混刻CD听,好让自己好过一点。

    Today , I lost my job . I was so upset that I put in my favorite mix CD of all the songs that get me feeling better .

  24. 当你看到托尼·罗宾斯(TonyRobbins)这个不知疲倦、永远乐观的励志大师感到郁闷,你就知道的确出问题了。

    You know there is trouble when Tony Robbins , the tirelessly upbeat Mr. Motivation , is sulking .

  25. 如果您实际上是希望打开所选元素的实现,以便查看项目运行时实际执行的Java代码,则可能让您感到有些郁闷。

    That might be slightly annoying if what you 're really trying to do is open the implementation of the selected element to see the Java code that will actually execute when the project runs .

  26. 我在办事,你这饭桶很郁闷吧,Diego?

    it 'll be the last thing you ever do . I 'm working here , you waste of fur.Frustrated , Diego ?

  27. 5年前,当我出任诺丁汉商学院(NottinghamUniversityBusinessSchool)的院长时,很多学生都明明白白地倾向于把我视为老古董,这让我很郁闷,但我也完全可以理解。

    Five years ago , when I became dean of Nottingham University Business School , the inclination among many of my students to view me as a dinosaur was not only painfully manifest , but entirely understandable .

  28. 埃罗尼斯辩称,他与妻子结婚近7年,当妻子带着他们的两个孩子离开之后,他感到很郁闷,他只不过是通过Facebook泄愤。

    Mr Elonis argued that he was under emotional duress after his wife of nearly seven years left with their two children and that he was merely venting through Facebook .

  29. 一些专家称这个恢复期为认同危机过程(identitycrisisprocess)。他们说,在这段时间里感到郁闷沮丧、焦虑不安和心烦意乱是完全正常的&换句话说,情绪上是一团乱麻。

    Some experts call this recovery period an ' identity crisis process . ' It is perfectly normal , they say , to feel depressed , anxious and distracted during this time & in other words , to be an emotional mess .

  30. 一些专家称这个恢复期为“认同危机过程”(identitycrisisprocess)。他们说,在这段时间里感到郁闷沮丧、焦虑不安和心烦意乱是完全正常的——换句话说,情绪上是一团乱麻。

    Some experts call this recovery period an ' identity crisis process . ' It is perfectly normal , they say , to feel depressed , anxious and distracted during this time -- in other words , to be an emotional mess .