  • Chen;a surname
  • 〔~州〕地名,在中国湖南省。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 郴宝

    Chen Bao

  1. 介绍了VPN的优势特点、安全技术,并以郴电国际汝城分公司为例,通过对电力信息网络的需求进行分析,提出了电力系统营销网络VPN的解决方案。

    This article introduced the VPN superiority characteristic , the security technology , and takes Chen Dian International Development Share-holding Limited Company RuCheng Branch as an example , analyzing demands of the Electric Power enterprise information network , the marketing system of power enterprise is put forward .

  2. 本文介绍了籼型恢复系郴R92-225的杂交和辐射选育过程、特征特性及配制杂交组合应用于生产的情况。

    The paper introduces the Hsien rice restoring line Chen R92-225 breeding by allomixis and irradiation methods , the characteristic and application of Hsien rice restoring line Chen R92-225 .

  3. 这些情况郴利于公丝的进壹步发展。

    The were not propitious for further expansion of the company .

  4. 你在液晚可釉看到星星,白天却看郴到。

    You can see stars by night , but by day .

  5. 郴临深大断裂带及其两侧的岩浆岩特征

    The characteristics of magmatic rocks along the chenzhou-linwu deep-seated fault

  6. 郴县白露塘镇种植业农户适度经营规模初探

    An elementary research on the farming household moderate running scale

  7. 殷为那些野蛮的助威者,劂球比赛郴得不暂停。

    The football had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters .

  8. 郴电国际宜章分公司绩效考核体系设计

    Design of the Performance Appraise System on CDI Yizhang Branch

  9. 我怀疑,郴,我肯订他错滤。

    I suspect , nay , I am certain , that he wrong .

  10. 应郴觉得非常奇怪。

    Ying Chen found something strange about that .

  11. 汽油市郴垄断。

    The petrol market is an oligopoly .

  12. 湖南郴县&嘉禾地区晚二叠世腕足动物组合特征

    The Assemblage Characters of the Upper Permian Brachiopod in Chen County-Jiahe Area , Southern Hunan Province

  13. 韶、郴、赣三市经济发展比较分析

    Comparative Analysis to the Economic Development of Shaoguan , Chenzhou and Ganzhou in the Red-triangular Area

  14. 本文借用经典的公司价值评价理论和方法对上市公司&郴电国际的公司价值进行了一个详细的分析和论证。

    This paper has carried on a detailed analysis on Chen Dian International using classical corporation evaluation theory .

  15. 文中的最后部分是在公司价值评估后,针对郴电国际如何提升公司价值进行了一个有益的探讨。

    The last part of this paper makes a helpful discussion about how to promote corporation value in Chen Dian International .

  16. 郴电国际发展股份有限公司(以下简称郴电国际)作为我国以电网经营为主的电力行业上市公司,其公司价值的评价有着不同于一般行业上市公司的特点。

    As an electrical listed company majoring in power net , Chen Dian International has different properties in corporation evaluation comparing to general industry .

  17. 当应郴到杜宣家中,问他怎么会闹病的,杜宣便讲了那天饮酒时酒杯中有蛇的事。

    When Ying Chen asked Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill , Du told him he drank the wine with a snake in his cup the other day .

  18. 为了更深入地了解郴电国际公司内部的运营状况,本文借用经典的财务绩效评价方法和现值分析方法对公司的价值进行了一个定量的分析。

    In order to disclose the inside operation state of Chen Dian International , this paper makes a quantitative analysis using classical financial performance appraisal method and cash flow analysis .

  19. 研究结果表明在政策、体制和发展环境层面上,郴电国际既具有电力行业这个特殊产业的发展优势,同时也兼顾行业内其它公司所不具备的众多优势。

    The results show that on the policy , system and development environment aspect , Chen Dian International not only has the characteristic industry development advantages , but also has the advantages that are not possessed by the same industry .