
  • 网络Hotel brand
  1. 其次,研讨如家酒店品牌定位现状。

    Secondly , research and family-like hotel brand positioning the status quo .

  2. 高尔夫酒店品牌的效应与国际市场酒店行业的发展需求!

    The effect of the hotel brand and international market development needs of the hospitality industry !

  3. Patron拒绝透露买家身份。据悉,买家是亚洲某个国际酒店品牌所有者。

    Patron declined to identify the buyer , who is understood to be an owner of international hotel brands in Asia .

  4. 香格里拉、半岛、J.W.万豪、雅高以及喜达屋等酒店品牌纷纷表示不再提供鱼翅。

    Shangri-la , Peninsula , JW Marriot , Accor and Starwood are among the hotels that have declared they will not serve shark fin .

  5. 大堂酒吧标志设计与酒店品牌的关联性。

    Hotel Lobby Bar VI design and brand relevance .

  6. 基于顾客体验的经济型酒店品牌塑造研究

    Study on the Brand Shaping of Budget Hotel in China-Based on Customer Experience

  7. 香格里拉是五星级的豪华酒店品牌,提供高品质的设施和服务。

    Shangri-La hotels are five-star deluxe properties featuring extensive luxury facilities and services .

  8. 高尔夫酒店品牌的建立需要多长时间呢?

    Hotel brands to establish how long it ?

  9. 北京酒店品牌的建立到底需要多长时间的积累!

    Hotel brands to establish how long it takes to accumulate in the end !

  10. 基于顾客满意度的中外著名经济型酒店品牌比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Famous Economy Hotel Brands Based on Their Satisfaction Degree of Guests

  11. 酒店品牌成败的关键是决策者!

    Decision-maker is the key to brand .

  12. “半山”,是三正酒管公司着力打造的一流中国民族高星级酒店品牌。

    " Goodview " is a first-class Chinese civil starred hotel brand forged by SANGEM Hotel Company .

  13. 论酒店品牌的打造

    On Development of Hotel Brands

  14. 提示:每个员工任何时候都将有责任推广酒店品牌。

    Remarks : Every associates must be take responsibility to develop our hotel brand in any time .

  15. 普华永道2008年的一份报告显示,在报告发布的前30个月中,约有30个新的酒店品牌加入竞争。

    According to a 2008 PwC report , some 30 new hotel brands launched over the preceding 30 months .

  16. 索菲特奢华酒店品牌发布了其全球品牌提升计划。

    Sofitel recently revealed its ambitious strategic plan to elevate the brand into the premium-end of the international luxury hotel market .

  17. 自此,全球极具声誉的奢侈酒店品牌正式进驻浪漫之都大连。

    It marks the entry of the1st InterContinental Hotel of the world renowned luxury brand into the Romance City – Dalian .

  18. 最后,依据之前所发现的成绩,有针对性的提出了对如家酒店品牌定位的可行性建议。

    Finally , according to the problems found before , targeted proposed to the feasibility of hotel brand positioning family-like suggestion .

  19. 近年来温泉型酒店品牌不断涌现,市场业态不断创新,酒店之间的竞争越来越激烈。

    In recent years , the hotspring-type hotel brands have emerged , the market format constant innovation . The competitions get fierce between hotels .

  20. 如今各大酒店品牌纷纷进驻上海,这对我们来说也是个好消息。

    Major international hotel brands have been competing with each other to launch new properties in Shanghai , which is good news for us .

  21. 在旅游业发展势头良好的背景下,合肥高星级饭店发展速度快、规模大,特别是国际酒店品牌的进入,进一步提升合肥高星级饭店的形象和品质。

    With a good momentum of development in the tourism industry , Hefei High Star Hotels development scale is large and speed is rapid .

  22. 康帝酒店品牌独创的先进管理理念以严谨高效的管理和真诚的服务为国内外宾客提供一个温馨的家外之家。

    Kande International Hotel provides overseas and domestic guests with luxury accommodation and is operated by a diligent and efficient management team and service staff .

  23. 业主方希望打造自己的酒店品牌,并希望该项目建成后成为该品牌的旗舰酒店。

    As the client has its own plan on hotel branding business , they hope this hotel will be the flagship hotel of this brand .

  24. 泛太平洋在亚洲及太平洋圈区域内是一公认的领先的酒店品牌。酒店分布于各重要都市的中心地带提供高档的住宿服务。

    Pan Pacific is a leading brand in Asia and the Pacific Rim , situated in key cities of distinguished destinations offering upper upscale accommodations and services .

  25. 另外,纯正的德式美味、刺激幸运抽奖及酒店品牌所保证的高端服务更让我们对啤酒节的期待增值。

    Besides , original German cuisine , exciting lucky draw and excellent service guaranteed by the Marriott brand makes our expectation for the beer festival go even higher .

  26. 基于此,本研究借用人际关系理论,试图将品牌拟人化,以顾客与品牌之间的互动关系作为切入点来研究酒店品牌资产。

    Based on these , the study on hotel brand equity is based on the interpersonal theory and interaction between customer and brand in the context of anthropomorphic brand .

  27. 对于熟悉酒店品牌的《大酒店》的读者来说,皇冠假日酒店及度假村可谓是耳熟能详了。

    Readers familiar with hotel brands cannot be ignorant of Crowne Plaza hotels and resorts , a upscale brand hotel label currently in rapid expansion in Asia & Pacific region .

  28. 中国人来到异国他乡旅游,定会寻找他们熟识的酒店品牌,因此喜达屋今天在中国的发展对于我们旗下全球各酒店都具有重要意义。

    As the Chinese travel abroad , they look for brands they know , and therefore Starwood 's development in China today , has significant implications for our hotels worldwide .

  29. 我们认为是次论坛让业界伙伴、学者及研究人员聚首一堂,彼此合作,借此加强中国内地酒店品牌的国际竞争力。

    We see hosting the forum as one way to engage our industry partners , researchers and academics to collaborate closely in enhancing the international competitiveness of hotel brands in China .

  30. 文中从我国经济型酒店品牌发展的必要性入手,深入分析了我国经济型酒店在品牌发展中存在的问题,提出了有针对性的发展对策。

    The thesis starts with the necessity of brand construction , and then , in-depth analysis the existing problems of China 's brand construction in the developments and puts forward the countermeasures .