
  1. Peter酒精过敏。

    Peter is allergic to alcohol .

  2. Jon对酒精过敏。

    Jon has an allergy to alcohol .

  3. 我对酒精过敏。这就是我不喝酒精饮料的原因。

    I 'm allergic to alcohol . that 's why I keep off alcoholic drinks .

  4. 我对酒精过敏。

    I 'm sensitive to alcohol .

  5. 我不喜欢喝酒,因为我对酒精过敏,而且胃也不好。

    I do not like to drink , because I am allergic to alcohol , but not a good stomach .

  6. 这些坏习惯会伴随你的一生,也有可能导致持续性的酒精过敏。其他的疾病也会随之而来,比如心脏病和高血压。

    These habits can last a lifetime and can lead to persistent alcoholism and contribute to other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure .

  7. 而他本人对酒精有些过敏。

    He has a slight allergy to alcohol .

  8. 目的探讨一种能代替75%酒精作皮肤过敏试验消毒剂的简便方法,以能够有效降低皮试的假阳性率并防止皮肤感染。

    Objective To explore a simple method of cleaning skin before intracutaneous test to take the place of75 % alcohol so as to lower the pseudo-positive rate and prevent skin from infection .