
zhònɡ diǎn jìn ɡōnɡ
  • attack against key sectors
  1. 华东野战军在打破敌人的重点进攻以后,其主力部队于八月初挺进鲁西南,九月下旬进入豫皖苏地区。

    The eastern China Field Army thrust into southwestern Shantung early in August after smashing a concentrated attack by the enemy , and in late september , the army went into honan-anhwei-kiangsu area .

  2. 我们晋冀鲁豫在中间,虽然不是敌人重点进攻的地区,但是是一个挑扁担的地区,伯承同志讲的是“扁担战略”。

    Our shanxi-hebei-shandong-henan area lay in between , at the centre of the pole , where the porter shoulders it . accordingly , we employed what Comrade Bocheng called the ` ` carrying-pole strategy ' ' .

  3. 在军事上,他企图集中兵力于解放区的东西两翼,即山东解放区和陕甘宁解放区,实行所谓重点进攻,结果也完全失败。

    Militarily he concentrated his forces on the eastern and Western flanks of the liberated areas that is , the Shantung liberated area and the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia liberated area in an attempt to carry out " attacks against key sectors "; and again the outcome was complete failure .