- careerist;schemer;ambitious schemer;adventurist;ambitionist

[careerist;schemer;ambitionist] 追求地位的人
Nothing could sate the careerist 's greed for power .
Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on . Rotary Rehabaid Mobile Centre
They don 't scramble against careerists for interest and power .
It 's now on the hands of an international adventurist .
Bureaucrats , careerists and control-freaks , on the other hand , should be worried .
A man of perfect practice also resorts to arms but he is different from the politician .
A careerist or a tragic hero ? & About Julien image in " the red and the black "
Over the past 30 years , parliament has become less ideological , more tribally loyalist and more careerist .
Macbeth , one of Shakespeare 's four tragedies , depicts the moral falling process of an ambitious nobleman .
When they saw him scattering his money about , they said ," he is an ambitious man . "
Return to work before your baby has started to walk and you risk being seen as a ruthless careerist .
But it will be a boon to future aspirants if it forces America to deal with its broken primary system .
The man behind it is a private man but is described by those around him as a man with a big heart .
But Chinese misers prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac .
Courage should be great and the mind clear , knowledge should be general and conduct irreproachable Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on .
Many career men and the big powers around your country are ready to usurp your position at any time . Therefore , you feel unsafe .
" People aren 't getting raises , so managers are looking for other ways to reward high performers ," says Penelope Trunk , author of The Brazen Careerist .
Penelope Trunk , author of Brazen Careerist and widely syndicated guru , estimates that 85 % of college students are wasting their time and money on getting a degree .
After all , if inborn talent were all that determined who climbed to the top of the heap , why would ambitious sorts who lacked conspicuous natural skills even bother ?
More than a quarter of the female high-fliers surveyed by Ms Hewlett and Ms Rashid report working between eight and 18 hours more each week than they did three years ago .
A lot of people do not know , the aspirant that drives for sudden huge profits people already darkling built empire of a gene , covet the gene glom on to complete mankind .
In addition , they took positive role in social activities and acquired strong political consciousness . Finally , they began to struggle for their own rights , and even women political aspirants emerged .
But cloning human being may be very easy in the near future . " the sixth day ", an American movie , is about a futuristic world . " the sixth day law " was made to prevent cloning human beings arbitrarily to avoid chaos .
It might seem risky for a coffee company to expand so aggressively in a culture of tea-drinkers .
Many critics regard Julien as an aspirant and a hypocrite , thus laying stress upon his ambition and vanity .