
  • 网络Nomura Research Institute;nri;Nomura Institute of Research
  1. 本文作者是野村综合研究所(NomuraResearchInstitute)首席经济学家

    The writer is chief economist at the Nomura Research Institute

  2. 在本书中,这位野村综合研究所(NomuraResearchInstitute)的首席经济学家既展现了这把智慧工具的优点,也展示出它的局限性。

    Here , the chief economist of the Nomura Research Institute shows the virtues , but also the limitations , of his intellectual tool .

  3. 正如野村综合研究所(nomuraresearch)的辜朝明(richardkoo)所言,财政赤字帮助私人部门实现去杠杆化。

    As Richard Koo of Nomura Research has argued , fiscal deficits help the private sector deleverage .