
yě shēng dòng wù
  • wildlife;wild animal;menagerie
野生动物[yě shēng dòng wù]
  1. 他说:"这里禁止饲养野生动物。"

    He said , " It 's illegal to have a wild animal here . "

  2. 英国是世界上少数几个没有大型食肉野生动物的国家之一。

    The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world that does not have a large wild animal that eats meat .

  3. 地貌彻底改变,严重损害了野生动物。

    The landscape has been radically altered , severely damaging wildlife .

  4. 湿地是多种野生动物的栖息地。

    The wetlands are home to a large variety of wildlife .

  5. 野生动物摄影部分已有一些上佳参赛作品。

    There have been some impressive entries in the wildlife photography section .

  6. 拍摄野生动物要肯花时间,要有毅力。

    It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife .

  7. 河的两岸是野生动物的自然栖息地。

    The river banks are a haven for wildlife .

  8. 环境保护主义者将会密切关注对野生动物造成的伤害。

    Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife .

  9. 这个地区是世界上野生动物最为密集的区域之一。

    The area has one of the world 's greatest concentrations of wildlife

  10. 乌干达美丽的高地是众多野生动物的栖息地。

    Uganda 's beautiful highlands are host to a wide range of wildlife .

  11. 野生动物制品的非法交易仍旧猖獗。

    The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish

  12. 溢出的油对野生动物来说可能是毁灭性的。

    An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife .

  13. 澳大利亚人有充分的理由为他们的野生动物感到骄傲。

    Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife .

  14. 我觉得对当地野生动物的保护力度不够。

    I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life

  15. 我们正在拍摄一部关于野生动物的影片。

    We are making a film about wildlife .

  16. 人们担心宠物或野生动物可能受到杀虫剂影响。

    People were concerned that pets or wildlife could be affected by the pesticides .

  17. 到非洲猎取大型野生动物的刺激两百年来一直吸引着欧洲人。

    The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years

  18. 许多野生动物仍然面临非法捕猎者的威胁。

    Many wild animals are still menaced by poachers .

  19. 野生动物有灵敏的嗅觉。

    Wild animals have an acute sense of smell .

  20. 一些环保人士呼吁政府采取有效措施保护野生动物。

    Some environmentalists urged that the government take effective measures to conserve the wildlife .

  21. 北方有许许多多野生动物。

    Wild animals abound in the north .

  22. 野生动物让他着迷。

    The wild animals enchanted him .

  23. 地球上野生动物的数量正日渐减少。

    The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling .

  24. 一些稀有野生动物在为生存而搏斗。

    Some rare wild animals are battling for their existence .

  25. 改善环境,拯救珍稀野生动物

    Improve the environment to save rare wild animals

  26. 不要把对野生动物可能产生的影响硬扯到这个辩论中去,这个问题已经是很复杂了。

    The issue is quite complicated enough , without dragging in the argument about the effects on wildlife .

  27. 也是个关于在大规模的物种灭绝时代如何保护野生动物的故事。

    This is the story of wildlife conservation in the age of mass   extinction .

  28. 大量的垃圾堆和四处蔓延的垃圾填埋场是人类对野生动物造成的更为不良的影响之一。

    Massive rubbish dumps and sprawling landfills constitute one of the more uncomfortable impacts that humans have on wildlife .

  29. 近代以来,野生动物受到了极大的威胁。

    Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age .

  30. 真令人兴奋。你也很可能遇到大型野生动物。

    It is truly exciting . You are very likely to come across large wild animals , too .