
yě yā
  • wild duck;mallard
野鸭 [yě yā]
  • [wild duck;mallard] 未被驯化的鸭

野鸭[yě yā]
  1. 春天里他们可以捡到整篮整篮的野鸭蛋。

    In spring they could collect whole baskets of wild duck eggs .

  2. 鸟枪一响,野鸭应声而落。

    The wild duck fell at the report of the shotgun .

  3. 为什么野鸭呈V字飞行?

    Why Do Ducks Fly In A V ?

  4. 野鸭成群飞的时候,爱排成V字。

    Ducks tend to fly in a V formation when they travel in groups .

  5. 野鸭源新城疫病毒的分离及其F基因的克隆与序列分析

    Sequence analysis of F genes of the newcastle disease virus isolates from wild ducks

  6. 我国几种野鸭和家鸭遗传多样性的SSR分析鸭源新城疫病毒P基因遗传变异分析

    Genetic variation of phosphoprotein gene of avirulent Newcastle disease virus of duck origin in China

  7. RAPD技术探讨几种家鸭与野鸭遗传多样性及亲缘关系

    Study on Genetic Relationship and Diversity in Ducks by RAPD

  8. 基于GIS、RS的野鸭湖及周边湿地资源动态变化分形研究

    Fractal research on dynamic change of the Beijing wild duck lake wetland resources based on GIS and RS

  9. n.小溪小溪中常有野鸭戏水。

    creek There are often wild ducks swimming in the creek .

  10. 基于3S技术的北京野鸭湖湿地资源的动态变化研究

    Research on Dynamic Change in Wetland Resource in Peking Widgeon-lake Based on 3S Techniques

  11. 一株野鸭源禽流感病毒NS基因的分子克隆和测序

    Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of the NS Gene of an Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Wild Ducks

  12. 基于3S技术获取北京野鸭湖湿地生态环境质量评价数据,并对各种评价数据进行了处理与分析。

    Based on3S technology , the data of yeyahu wetland eco-environmental quality assessment are obtained , processed and analyzed in thesis .

  13. 西湖野鸭线粒体D-loop部分序列分析

    The mtDNA partial D-loop sequences analysis in Xihu Mallard

  14. 野鸭家族是想走到附近的小溪去,BottleofSack酒吧的经理担心它们穿过忙碌的马路太危险,随即两位警察被派往该酒馆。

    Two officers were dispatched to the Bottle of Sack pub after the manager became concerned that the family of ducks were risking their lives crossing a busy road to reach a nearby brook .

  15. 用8只绿头野鸭公鸭与50只天府肉鸭母鸭自然交配生产F1代,测定父母本和F1代的生长速度和9周龄屠体性状。

    : Eight male wild mallards cross to 50 meat breed of Tianfu ducks by natural service to produce F1.Growth rate and meat performance of the two breeds and their F1 are determined in the study .

  16. 卡洛琳-莱恩是另一家Wetherspoons酒吧的老板,她说五个月前,这只野鸭妈妈搬到了这个酒吧园区,并顺利在这儿生出了一窝孩子。

    Caroline Wrenn , who runs the Wetherspoons pub , said the mallard moved into the pub garden five months ago and has already raised one family of ducklings there without a problem .

  17. 他每年到苏格兰打野鸭。

    He goes to Scotland every year to shoot wild duck .

  18. 我知道鸭泽湖也叫野鸭湖。

    We know Yaze lake is also called wild duck lake .

  19. 美洲野鸭雄性的头冠为白色。

    American widgeon the male of which has a white crown .

  20. 他朝着一只野鸭射击,但没射中。

    He shot at a wild duck , but missed it .

  21. 他射中了一只从沼泽地里飞起的野鸭。

    He picked off a wild duck rising from the marsh .

  22. 北京鸭、大余麻鸭和绿头野鸭肉质的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Meat Quality Of Peking Duck

  23. 他成功地把野鸭引诱到他的隐藏处。

    He succeeded in decoying the ducks toward his blind .

  24. 北美洲贵重的猎用和食用野鸭。

    North American wild duck valued for sport and food .

  25. 我喜欢这些绿色的小鸭子,这些小东西是野鸭。

    I like the little green ducks.Those little green ones are mallards .

  26. 野鸭在艾比湖中享受着夏天。

    Wild ducks enjoy a comfortable summer in Aibi Lake .

  27. 他最后一次出猎打到了几只野鸭。

    He brought down several wild ducks on his last hunting trip .

  28. 蛋氨酸螯合锌对绿头野鸭生产性能的影响

    Effect of Zn-Met_2 Chelate on Production Performance of Anas platyrhynchos

  29. 美洲白骨顶是一种鸟,它们生活在北美并且长得像野鸭。

    The American coot is a duck-like North American bird .

  30. 三名医生藏身在观察野鸭的隐蔽处,有一只鸟从头上飞过。

    Three doctor are in the duck blind and bird flies overhead .