
liànɡ zǐ jiǎ shè
  • quantum hypothesis
  1. 为了克服这个困难,普朗克(Planck)在1900年引入了量子假设。本文较详细地讨论了经典统计理论如何与实际不符及普朗克又如何克服了这个困难。

    In order to overcome this difficulty , Planck had introduced the Quantum Hypothesis in 1900 . This discuss in detail how the Classical Statistical Theory is not correspondent with practice and how Planck overcome it .

  2. 本文先介绍用不确定关系粗略计算一维线性谐振子零点能,然后再结合普朗克量子假设给出谐振子能级公式。

    In this paper we introduced how to use uncertain relationship to simply calculate the zero position energy of one dimension linear harmonic oscillator , and then the resonant energy grade equation were gotten based on Planck hypothesis .

  3. 普通量子测量假设引出佯谬,因为一个波函数在大能量条件下不描述单个粒子而描述系综。

    Because a wave function does not describe an individual particle but an ensemble under large energy condition , the usual postulate of measurement will lead to paradoxes .

  4. 本文根据量子力学假设及经典力学理论推导出氦及类氦离子基态能量的计算公式。

    According to the hypothesis of the quantum mechanics and the theory of the classical mechanics the formula of the energy of Helium and similar Helium ion at ground state is derived .

  5. 借助于量子力学的假设,量子信息有一些新特性,如量子态的线性叠加性和纠缠特性,它们在实现信息的计算、传输和存储等方面会优于经典信息。

    Due to the postulates of quan-tum mechanics , there are some new properties of quantum information , such as linear superposition of quantum mechanics and entanglement , which improve the quality of information processing , such as computing , storage , communication and so on .