
  • 网络metallotlaermic reduction process;metallothermic reduetion Process
  1. 试验证明,在等离子条件下,Si-V耦合反应的平衡能向高温方向移动,VO还原速度急剧提高,存在着用碳还原法代替金属热还原法冶炼钒铁和类似的铁合金的可能性。

    The results of experiment show that the Si-V coupled reaction equilibrium can be transferred towards the direction of high temperature and the speed of VO reduction reaction is accelerated sharply by the use of plasma , The technology of plasma can be used to melt ferrovanadium and similar ferroalloys .

  2. 金属镁的生产方法有熔盐电解法和金属热还原法两种。

    The methods of extracting magnesium are two different technologies : molten salt electrolysis and vacuum thermal reduction of MgO .