
  • 网络Financial bond
  1. 本文从经典的拍卖模型出发,以我国金融债拍卖作为研究样本,比较了单一价格拍卖和歧视性价格拍卖。

    This paper start from classic model of aution , compares uniform-price auction and discriminatory auction based on the auction of our financial bonds .

  2. 小微企业金融债是商业银行发行的、募集专项资金用于发放小微企业贷款的金融债券,是增加小微企业贷款资金来源、优化小微金融服务的新型融资工具。

    Small micro-enterprise financial bonds , which are issued by commercial banks , are used to raise special funds for the loans to small and micro enterprises ( Hereinafter abbreviated as SMEs ') .

  3. 亚洲以本地货币计价的金融债和企业债的发行规模也较去年全年增长了约40%。

    Local currency financial and corporate bond issuance is about 40 per cent ahead of last year .

  4. 研究发现银行间质押式回购收益率具有较好的动态运动性质,比样本国债和政策性银行金融债更适宜作为短期金融产品定价的基础。

    The result shows the buyback rate in the interbank market is more feasible for the valuation of short-term financial instruments in China .

  5. 待今后条件成熟时再象全国社会保障基金那样允许慈善基金结余额按一定比例投资于上市流通的证券投资基金、股票和信用等级在投资级以上的企业债、金融债等。

    When appropriate , some part can be invested in circulated trusts , stocks and enterprise and finical debts with investment level of credit in the market , which will be the same with national social security foundations .

  6. 在商业银行对吸收存款的风险厌恶程度提高、对融资成本上升的敏感性下降的情况下,商业银行能够通过发行小微企业金融债实现净收益最大化。

    In the commercial bank deposits of risk aversion increases , SMEs ' loans to the rising cost of revenue decreased sensitivity of the situation , commercial banks can maximize net gains realized through the issuance of SMEs ' financial bonds .

  7. 短期融资券的出现为上市企业提供了更多的融资渠道,因此得到了市场的热烈追捧,发展势头迅猛,该市场现已成为继国债、央行票据和金融债之后的第四大规模市场。

    CP provides more financing channels for listed enterprises , so it gets great demand of market and strong momentum of rapid development . CP market has become the fourth large-scale market after the national debt market , central bank bills and financial bonds market .

  8. 实际上,这是公司申请破产保护所要经历的程序,但在这里,具有系统重要性的金融机构的债转股不应是自愿的,而是由政府强制实施,以此作为注资的前提条件。

    This is what happens , de facto , when companies go through Chapter 11 , except that the debt-for-equity swaps for the systemically relevant financial institutions should not be voluntary , but imposed by the government as a prerequisite for its capital infusion .

  9. 在本文中,我使用了一个金融比喻,设计债(DesignDebt),以显示代码维护性的极端重要性。

    In this article , I use a financial metaphor , design debt , to show the importance of code maintainability .

  10. 资源金融炒作与次债CDO精巧设计:为国际金融资本挖掘了坟墓

    Speculation of Financial Resource and Delicate Design of Subprime CDO : the Grave for the International Financial Capital

  11. 金融资产管理公司债转股法律机制研究

    A Research on the Legal Mechanism of Debt-to-equity Swap of Financial Asset Management Companies

  12. 李晓光表示,两起拍卖的中标者都是个人而不是金融机构,两笔债的债务人也都是民营企业。

    Ms. Li said the winning bidders for both debts were individuals , not financial institutions , and both debtor groups are privately owned .

  13. 国际金融危机和欧债危机的深层次影响远未消除,世界经济增长的不稳定不确定因素增多。

    The underlying impact of the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis remains strong . Destabilizing factors and uncertainties affecting global growth have increased .

  14. 相对于这些规模庞大的金融资产,公司债总额看起来规模较小,不过在过去4年中上涨了1倍。

    Against these vast pools of finance , the total pool of corporate debt looks small , although it has doubled over the past four years .

  15. 我们都经受住了国际金融危机以及欧债危机的考验,经济增长总体企稳。

    China and CEE countries have both weathered the storm of the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis , and our economies are both growing steadily .

  16. 近年来,在金融危机和欧债危机的影响下,小微企业融资困难已经成为全球性的普遍问题。

    In recent years , under the influence of the financial crisis and the debt crisis in Europe , the financing difficulties of Small Micro Enterprises have become a global common problem .

  17. 第四部分对完善金融资产管理公司债转股运作法律机制做了自己的见解。

    In the fourth part , the writer presents his own opinion about the perfection of the legal system for the financial asset management corporations to transfer debts into shares of stock .

  18. 全球金融危机以及欧债危机给世界经济发展带来了许多不确定的影响,当前仍对实体经济产生负面的影响。

    The global financial crisis and the debt crisis to the world economic development has brought a lot of uncertainty , and the influence of the current is still on the real economy have a negative effect .

  19. 本文从债转股的关键环节&股权退出入手,分析了金融资产管理公司债转股股权退出所面临的种种风险,着重提出实现债转股股权顺利退出的路径选择及对策。

    This Paper starts from the key step-Equity Exiting , analyzes all kinds of risks faced by Financial Asset Management Corporation Equity Exiting after Debt-Equity Swap , emphasizes to bring forward some alternatives and countermeasures to realize the Equity Exiting .

  20. 但是,近年来,在世界性金融危机、欧债危机的背景下,欧美消费市场陷入衰退,对我国产品的需求日益减少,严重影响了我国的出口和相关产业的投资水平。

    At present , as the worldwide financial crisis and European debts crisis , the consumption markets of Europe and American encounter recession , On the Chinese products demand is gradually reduced , reduce the Chinese exports and related industrial investment level .

  21. 另一个问题是银行和全世界金融机构会发现他们现在持有更多的有价证券,在现如今的形势下,他们可能并不想要那么多,这被称为“金融机构减债”。

    The second part is that the banks and the financial institutions around the world have found themselves with more securities than they would like to hold today . That is called a deleveraging of financial institutions .