
  • 网络Financial security;Finance Security
  1. 在他的心目中,金融安全是十分重要的一环。

    Financial security was high on his list of priorities .

  2. 这是我国商业银行信贷风险管理制度上的重大改革,也是维护金融安全的重大举措,是我国加入WTO以后银行业与国际通行规则接轨的重要环节。

    This is a great reform to loan risk management system of our banks and in the meantime a big act to protect financial security , and moreover an important link of joint between our banking after entry into WTO and international current rules .

  3. 我们提出了创建金融安全区的构想。

    we propound the proposal for building up the financial safety area .

  4. WTO背景下的金融安全问题探讨

    The Financial Safty Research in The Background of WTO

  5. 它们辩称,重启信用衍生品将让现代金融安全得多,尤其是如果(或者当)美联储(Fed)最终加息的时候。

    Rebuilding credit derivatives , they argue , will make modern finance considerably safer , particularly if ( or when ) the US Federal Reserve finally puts up rates .

  6. 国家金融安全与军队后勤保障

    A research of the state financial safety and troops logistic support

  7. 建立金融安全协调机制的路径选择

    Choice of the Ways to Establish Coordination Mechanism for Financial Security

  8. 加强法制建设保障金融安全运行

    Strengthen the Legal System to Ensure the Safety in Financial Trade

  9. 新形势下我国金融安全预警及安全策略

    Pre-warning and Strategy of Financial Security in China under New Situation

  10. 我国金融安全的现状及其对社会稳定的潜在影响

    Financial Safety and Its Potential Effects on China 's Social Security

  11. 风险投资对于维护金融安全而言有利也有弊,而美国风险投资却趋利避害,不仅促进了美国实体经济的发展,也为稳定美国金融安全作出了贡献。

    Venture capital does both good and bad to financial safety .

  12. 金融安全:不得不面对的一道坎

    Financial Security : A Difficult Situation We Have to Face Directly

  13. 笔者认为,应该包括金融安全、效率等原则。

    The author holds the basic principles are safety and efficiency .

  14. 触目惊心的数字,表明我国的金融安全受到了严重威胁。

    An astonishing number shows that our financial safety is threatened .

  15. 从金融安全的指标看,陕西金融存在着不安全因素。

    Financial Information There are many risk factor in Shaanxi finance .

  16. 交易税通常也不适合用于确保金融安全。

    Nor are transaction taxes generally suited to making finance safe .

  17. 基于国家金融安全维护下的人民币汇率制度转换

    The Transition of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Based on Financial Security

  18. 中国银行业改革开放与金融安全

    Reforming and Opening of China 's Banking Industry and Finance Safety

  19. 确保金融安全关键在于以法治促进金融体制和金融运行机制的改革与完善

    Legal Consideration on Reform and Perfection of Financial Security and Financial System

  20. 金融安全、社会稳定受到危及。

    Safety of finance and stability of society was subjected to endanger .

  21. 此外,这无法实现绝对的金融安全。

    Moreover , it does not achieve total bank safety .

  22. 中国金融安全的战略分析&兼论金融资产管理公司

    Strategic analysis of financial security of China - referring assets management company

  23. 中国金融安全网建设:理论回顾、国际经验与制度设计

    Financial Safety Net Design in China : Theories , Lessons and Mechanism

  24. 经济体制改革与中国金融安全&问题、逻辑和对策

    Economic institution reform and Chinese financial security : issues , logic and Countermeasures

  25. 金融安全:虚拟城池的现实危机

    Financial security : realistic crisis of a virtual fortress

  26. 银行的治理水平影响到本国的金融安全;

    The corporate governance level of bank can influence on national financial safety ;

  27. 第四章研究的是金融安全网的问题。

    The fourth chapter focuses on financial safety net .

  28. 金融安全与稳定直接关系到一个国家或地区的经济安全与社会稳定。

    Financial security has a direct relationship with economic safety and social stability .

  29. 中央银行对资本充足性监管与金融安全

    The supervising and management to the capital of central bank and financial security

  30. 这个人很有能力,并能为你提供强有力的金融安全。

    This person is powerful , and may offer you strong financial security .