
  • 网络financial fragility;financial vulnerability
  1. 在金融脆弱性中,银行业表现得最为明显。

    Financial fragility is an obvious feature of the banking .

  2. 摘要拉美国家普遍具有金融脆弱性这一特徵。

    Generally , Latin American countries have the characteristics of financial fragility .

  3. 文章首先阐释了Minsky的金融脆弱性假说并把之扩展到开放经济中,然后从信息不对称的角度来分析新兴国家金融脆弱性的产生与积聚过程,弥补了Minsky金融脆弱性假说的缺陷。

    The analysis of the financial vulnerability in emerging economies in perspective of information asymmetry is complementary to Minsky 's assumption .

  4. 但adb警告:“尽管美国次贷危机对新兴东亚经济体的波及有限,但股票与房地产价格的飙升,也带来几个金融脆弱性的迹象。”

    Still the ADB warned that " despite limited spillover into emerging East Asia from the US subprime turmoil , there are several signs of financial vulnerability related to sharp gains in equity and real estate prices . "

  5. 金融脆弱性、信息不对称与新兴国家的金融危机

    Financial Vulnerability 、 Information Asymmetry and Financial Crisis in Emerging Economies

  6. 这将暴露出各种隐藏的金融脆弱性,推动形成一场螺旋式下降。

    This would reveal hidden financial vulnerabilities and feed a downward spiral .

  7. 金融脆弱性是当前农村金融中的一个重要问题。

    Financial vulnerability is an important issue in the current rural finance .

  8. 基于金融脆弱性理论的局部银行危机研究

    The Study on Regional Banking Crisis Which Based on Financial Fragility Theory

  9. 首先是对金融脆弱性监测指标研究的综述。

    Firstly , the study on warning systems for financial fragility is reviewed .

  10. 中国金融脆弱性悖论:一个进化博弈论解释

    Financial Fragility Paradox : Explanation of Evolutionary Game Theory

  11. 第七章研究汇率与金融脆弱性的关系。

    Chapter 7 investigate the relationship between the exchange rate and financial fragility .

  12. 这一循环的结果,就是全球金融脆弱性不断加大。

    The result is rapidly rising global financial fragility .

  13. 金融脆弱性理论论金融经济学

    Study on Financial Fragility Theory On Banking Economics

  14. 金融脆弱性与美国金融危机:理论与现实的思考

    The Frangibility of Finance and American Financial Crisis : Meditation on Theory and Reality

  15. 其次,在其形成机理和基本特性的基础上,建立了基于脆性熵的金融脆弱性测度函数;

    Then based on the mechanic and characteristics , build up a brittle function ;

  16. 金融脆弱性泛指一切融资领域中的风险积聚。

    In a general sense , financial frangibility is risk accumulation in all financial areas .

  17. 论金融脆弱性、富韧性与金融风险

    Financial Fragility , Toughness and Financial Risk

  18. 国际资本自由流动下新兴市场国家相对金融脆弱性研究

    The Relative Financial Fragility of Emerging Market Nations in the Free Movements of International Capital

  19. 新兴市场金融脆弱性:基于国际资本易变性的分析

    The Analysis of Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets : A Perspective of International Capital Volatility

  20. 金融脆弱性的深层剖析与政府对金融危机的根治

    The Deep Analysis on Financial Fragility and the Government 's Fundamental Solution of Financial Crisis

  21. 金融脆弱性产生根源及其启示

    Root and Inspiration of Finance Frailty

  22. 开放经济条件下中国金融脆弱性预警监测体系研究

    Study on the Early-warning and Monitoring System of China 's Financial Fragility under the Open Economy

  23. 中间汇率制度与金融脆弱性&兼论我国汇率制度的选择

    Intermediate Rate Regime and Financial Fragility

  24. 储蓄过剩和金融脆弱性之间存在联系,这点相当明显。

    That there was a link between the savings glut and the financial fragility was evident .

  25. 首先对金融脆弱性的一般理论进行了综述,作为本文展开的逻辑起点。

    Firstly , as the logical beginning , the general theory of financial fragility is reviewed .

  26. 所以,银行体系脆弱性是我国金融脆弱性的重要表现。

    Therefore , the fragility of the banking system is the crucial behaving of financial fragility .

  27. 金融脆弱性理论

    Study on Financial Fragility Theory

  28. 其次分析动荡的国际货币体系加剧新兴市场金融脆弱性的原因,并从国际政治经济学角度对美元霸权加剧国际货币体系的动荡性进行了分析。

    Secondly , how the turbulent international monetary system intensifies financial fragility in emerging markets is discussed .

  29. 中国金融脆弱性分析

    Analysis of Chinese Financial Vulnerability

  30. 金融脆弱性的微观视点:银行授信外部性与企业负债剩余假说

    A Micro-perspective of Financial Fragility : A Hypothesis of Externalities of Bank Lending and Surplus of Enterprise Debt