
  1. 我能用很少的钱度日。

    I can get along with little money .

  2. 节俭,不依靠他人,不依赖借钱度日,过去被社会普遍视为一种美德。

    Frugality , not depending on others , not depending on borrowed money , was very much considered a virtue .

  3. 这个女孩如何能用这么少的钱度日,这令我难以理解。

    It is unfathomable to me as to how the girl can scrape by on such a minuscule amount of money .

  4. 有没有钱去度一次假?

    Could we afford a holiday ?

  5. 比如说美国游客和中国游客决定在今年花费更多的钱来度一个更长的假期。

    For example , U. s.And Chinese travelers plan to use the extra money they spend this year to take longer vacations .

  6. 重点不是钱或知名度。

    And it 's not about money and popularity .

  7. 我不知道我们是否有足够的钱按计划度完整个假期,可是我准备冒险那样做了。

    I don 't know whether we have enough money to last the whole holiday as we have planned , but I 'm prepared to take a chance on it .

  8. 钱德在Tulsa度周末,莫妮卡飞往该市,想给钱一个惊喜。

    Chandler has to stay the weekend in Tulsa , so Monica flies there to surprise him .

  9. 联邦储备委员会支配着我们的生活,决定我们挣多少钱,存多少钱还有持有度少次级债券!

    Federal Reserve dictates how we live , how much money we make , save and sub prime mortgages !