
tiě qì shí dài
  • the Iron Age
铁器时代 [tiě qì shí dài]
  • [Iron Age] 以炼铁为主要特征的人类文化时期,铁器几乎普遍使用于工业,在欧洲南部大约始于公元前1000年,在西亚和埃及则更早一些,中国在春秋末年(公元前五世纪)

  1. 他们已试着按铁器时代的样子重建这个小村落。

    They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times .

  2. 臀部,Pentire点,铁器时代峭壁设防站点。

    The Rumps , Pentire Point , site of Iron Age cliff fortifications .

  3. 此一时期介于石器时代与铁器时代之间。

    This was the period between the Stone Age and the Iron Age .

  4. 新疆哈密地区青铜&早期铁器时代居民人种学研究

    Human Biological Variation and Population Affinity during Bronze-Iron Age in Xinjiang Hami Region

  5. 到校外去实地考察铁器时代的一个村落。

    A field trip to an iron age settlement .

  6. 经过了青铜器时代、铁器时代,接下来呢,就是黄金时代了。

    After the Bronze Age and the Iron Age , then came the Gold Era .

  7. 最后一个时代&铁器时代,这是一个持续烦恼与悲伤的时代。

    The last age , that of Iron , was one of continual care and grief .

  8. 新疆及内蒙古地区青铜&铁器时代居民牙齿磨耗及健康状况的分析

    The Tooth Wear and Health Condition of the Bronze-Iron Age 's Populations in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia

  9. 人类学会用铁制造工具的时代称为铁器时代。

    The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age .

  10. 经专家鉴定这件文物应该生产于铁器时代。

    Identification by the experts shows that this cultural relic should be traced back to the Iron Age .

  11. 进入铁器时代以来,钢铁一直是人类社会所需的重要材料。

    Since coming into steel age , steel has always to be important materials needed by human society .

  12. 历史证明材料是社会进步的物质基础和先导,是人类进步的里程碑,例如“石器时代”、“铜器时代”、“铁器时代”等;

    History shows that materials are the base and pre-cursor of social progress and milestone of mankind 's progress .

  13. 内蒙古中南部地区青铜&早期铁器时代居民的龋病研究

    Research on Dental Caries of Ancient Populations during Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Southern Central Inner Mongolia

  14. 我们祖先生活的时代,我们称之为石器时代、青铜时代和铁器时代。

    Our ancestors lived in eras we call the Stone Age , the Bronze Age and the Iron Age .

  15. 他们处于铁器时代,却想象是在黄金时代,注定了要享受人生,享受爱情。

    In the iron age they imagined themselves of the golden , doomed only to live and to love .

  16. 与之相对应,可分别归结为采集时代、石器时代、青铜时代与铁器时代。

    This paper then concludes these four stages as gathering era , stone era , bronze era and iron era respectively .

  17. 本文对采集自河北、山西和内蒙古等地的43例青铜时代和铁器时代颅骨的颞下颌关节进行了形态学研究。

    The temporomandibular joints of 43 Bronze-Iron Age human skulls unearthed in Hebei , Shanxi and Inner Mongolia are studied in this paper .

  18. 您这题目的年代为何?是上起石器,下至火器?还是指铁器时代?用于打击点火的火石块。

    What about your title ? Is stone or firearms ? Is Iron Age ? a piece of flint that is struck to light a fire .

  19. 青铜器时代:石器时代和铁器时代之间的一段人类文化时期,以武器和工具均由青铜制成为特征。

    Bronze age : a period of human culture between the stone age and the iron age , characterized by weapons and implements made of bronze .

  20. 从旧、新石器时代到青铜时代、铁器时代,可以清晰地找到源流及其发展,演化的历史脉络。

    From the Old and New Stone Periods to Bronze and Iron Periods , we can find out their sources and historical venation of development and evolvement .

  21. 春秋时期中国的生产力发展进入铁器时代,促成了战国时期经济的大发展。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , China entered the Iron Age , therefore the economy developed by leaps and bounds in the Warring States Period .

  22. 黑龙江省的早期铁器时代可分为两个阶段,相当于中原地区的战国时代和汉魏南北朝时代。

    Early Iron Period in Heilongjiang Province is divided into two phases , corresponding to Warring States Period , Han Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties in Central Plains .

  23. 在从石器时代进展到铜器时代和铁器时代的过程中,热处理的作用逐渐为人们所认识。

    During the process of development from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and to the Iron Age , the function of the heat treatment is gradually known by people .

  24. 铁器时代的不列颠,凯尔特人是这个岛的主人,他们信奉以督伊德教为主的自然宗教,相信万物有灵、灵魂不灭。

    In the Iron-Age of Britain , the Celts are the owner of the British Isles . They believe in ' Natural Religion ', based on Druidism believe in animism and immortality .

  25. 如果英国脱离罗马帝国之后,倒退到与前罗马铁器时代类似的经济水平,我们或许就不会感到意外了。

    We might not be surprised if , on leaving the empire , Britain had reverted to an economy similar to that which it had enjoyed in the immediately pre-Roman Iron Age .

  26. 战争的用具&兵器在这期间从青铜时代全面转入了铁器时代,兵器的样式与功能也越来越多并得到了空前的发展。

    The tools of war - weapons are full during the period from the Bronze Age into the Iron Age , weapons are more and more style and functionality and has been an unprecedented development .

  27. 从人类开始使用工具而区别于普通灵长类动物,人类文明走过了石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代等由硬质材料来界定的发展历程。

    Distinguished from primates by using tools , human civilization has gone through the Stone Age , the Bronze Age , the Iron Age and those periods characterized by the chief hard materials in tools manufacture .

  28. 楚国大约从春秋中期开始冶铁、用铁,到春战之交,社会已进入了铁器时代。

    In short , irons debuted in the Chu state at the middle Spring and Autumn period , and the society stepped into a new Iron Age by the interim between the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States period .

  29. 材料是人类文明和社会发展的物质基础,历史学家也根据人类使用材料的不同将人类历史划分为石器时代、青铜器时代、铁器时代,而这种划分的依据显然是材料的硬度和韧性。

    Material is the foundation of society development . Historians divide human history into the Stone Age , Bronze Age , Iron Age , and this division is clearly based on the hardness and toughness of the material used by human .

  30. 腓力斯人是《圣经》中提到最为神秘的种族。只有腓力斯人和赫梯人了解钢铁生产技术,标志了铁器时代的开始。《圣经》上说腓力斯人来自迦斐托岛(克里特岛)。

    The Philistines are the most mysterious peoples mentioned in the Bible.Only them and Hittites knew the technology of steel production and they marked the start of the Iron Age.According to the Bible , the Philistines originate from Caphtor Island ( Crete ) .