
yín hánɡ jiè kuǎn
  • bank loans;loan from a bank
  1. 在解释变量上,采用资产负债率(DAR)来衡量企业的融资结构,并设置经营活动比率(企业的预收款)和筹资活动比率(发行债券和银行借款)来表示融资渠道。

    The debt / asset ratio ( DAR ) is used as the scale index of financing structure . Meanwhile the study sets operations ratio ( pre-receivables ) and financing ratio ( issuance of bonds and bank loans ) to indicate the debt channels .

  2. 我国企业具有银行借款和股权融资偏好,形成了与现代资本结构理论相左的融资顺序。

    Of our country enterprise have a partiality for bank loans and stock financing , form financing order different from modern capital structure theory .

  3. 他向许多银行借款,使得任何一家都搞不清楚他到底要做什么。

    By borrowing from dozens of banks , he managed to avoid giving any of them an overall picture of what he was up to

  4. 不同负债融资来源对公司RD投资强度影响不同,相对于银行借款而言,商业信用更难以为高风险的RD投资提供资金来源;

    In the respect of the source of debt , there are more significant relationships between credit and R & D investment than that between banks'loans .

  5. 本文以SZY公司融资租赁项目为例,通过介绍融资租赁的各种形式,比较融资租赁和银行借款的现金流、收益状况,初步得出通过售后租回获得商业地产项目融资的项目模式。

    After introducing various forms of the finance lease , comparing cash flow and earnings of different finance leases and bank borrowings , preliminary draw for commercial real estate project financing project mode .

  6. 你可以用珠宝首饰作抵押向银行借款。

    You can borrow money from the bank against your jewellery .

  7. 从商业银行借款比较高。

    There is a higher cost of funding with commercial banks .

  8. 他用房子作抵押向银行借款。

    He raised a mortgage on a house from a bank .

  9. 在银行借款中,主要是短期借款,长期借款比例很小。

    Short-term borrowing is the main section of bank loan .

  10. 审计意见与银行借款关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Study of the Relationship of Audit Opinion and Bank Loan

  11. 他们可以向人力车银行借款。

    They could borrow the money from the Rickshaw Bank .

  12. 而长期负债和银行借款都导致了企业的过度投资行为。

    Long-term debt and bank debt result in excessive investment behavior in samples .

  13. 各国政府还再次出台担保银行借款的政策。

    Governments also put guarantees for banks ' borrowing back on the table .

  14. 投资者可以通过保证金从经纪人或银行借款来购买证券。

    Margin allows investors to buy securities with money borrowed from brokers or banks .

  15. 在我国,企业融资顺序为股权融资、银行借款、债券融资。

    While in China , the order is stock , loan from bank and bond .

  16. 银行借款和贴现分析

    Analysis of loan and discount of bank

  17. 更重要的是,银行借款利率上升意味着其它每个人的利率都会提高。

    More importantly , higher borrowing rates for banks means higher rates for everyone else .

  18. 此外,从公司银行借款反映质量的重要指标。

    In addition , bank borrowings from the company reflect an important indicator of quality .

  19. 因此,房地产,必须控制总量的银行借款。

    Therefore , the real estate must be controlled to the total amount of bank borrowings .

  20. 或者中央政府也可能从商业银行借款并加快发展债券市场。

    Alternatively , the government might borrow from commercial banks and accelerate development of a bond market .

  21. 商业信用与银行借款的替代关系及其反周期性:1998-2006年

    Substitution between Trade Credit and Bank Borrowing and Its Counter Cyclical Phenomenon : From 1998 to 2006

  22. 银行借款信息的有用性与股票投资回报&来自A股上市公司的经验证据

    The Availability of the Information in Debt Contracts and the Stock Returns : Evidence from A-Share Listed Companies

  23. 从银行借款的申请手续要经过许多无谓的限制。

    There is so much red tape in the processing of his application for a loan from the bank .

  24. 世界银行借款工具:冲突发展的来源〉,作者:世界银行,世界银行手册。

    World Bank . " World Bank Lending Instruments : Resources for Development Impact . " World Bank booklet .

  25. 银行借款、商业信用以及公司债券是公司债务融资的三种主要来源。

    There are three major resource in debt fundraising , including bank debt , commercial credit and corporate bonds .

  26. 由于开发商在拥有土地前无法从银行借款,因此有很多开发商需要从别处筹集资金。

    Since developers cannot borrow money from banks until they own the land , many need to raise funds elsewhere .

  27. 习惯于骗取莫斯科和北京援助的朝鲜,曾在上世纪70年代向西方银行借款,而且很快便拖欠不还。

    Used to milking Moscow and Beijing , in the 1970s North Korea borrowed from Western banks and promptly defaulted .

  28. 政府信用增强了企业的长期银行借款能力,但短期银行借款更依赖于经营性因素;

    That government credibility has strengthened the long-credit capacity of the enterprises , but short-term loans depend more on business operations factors ;

  29. 安德森强调,公司仍需向银行借款,因为它们的投资规模比储蓄规模还高。

    Corporations still need to borrow from banks , as Mr Anderson stresses , since they invest even more than they save .

  30. 本文的主要观点和内容:企业筹资方式是指企业筹措资金所采用的具体形式或手段,主要有:吸收直接投资、发行股票、发行债券、银行借款、融资租赁、商业信用等。

    The financing modes covers absorbing directly investment , issuing stock , borrowings from banks , leasehold and commercial crediting and so on .