
kēng qiāng
  • ring;clang;jingle;clangorous;sonorous
铿锵 [kēng qiāng]
  • [clangorous;sonorous] 形容乐器声音响亮节奏分明,也用来形容诗词文曲声调响亮,节奏明快

铿锵[kēng qiāng]
  1. 大门发出一声巨大的铿锵声。

    The Gates made a loud clang .

  2. 夜,也是有声音的,低沉而铿锵,也许是因寂静所以回荡的更加悠扬,也许是夜晚的大车撞碎了静谧的城墙。

    Night also has voice , rumble and clang . It maybe more resonating caused by the silent night , maybethe cart break down the wall of silent .

  3. 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。

    This poem reads sonorous . ; This poem is both majestic and sonorous .

  4. 外面传来尖锐铿锵的声音吓我一跳。

    A sharp metallic note coming from the outside frightened me .

  5. 这金属工具击墙时发出铿锵声。

    The metal tool clanged when it hit the wall .

  6. 他用两手把裤子口袋里的钱弄得铿锵作响。

    He rumbled his money with his hands in his trousers pockets .

  7. 街道上回荡着行进步伐的铿锵声。

    The street resounded to the thud of marching feet .

  8. 他扔掉工具时有铿锵的撞击声。

    There was a clang as he dropped the tools .

  9. 来自任何角落的铿锵声音都该受欢迎。

    TK : An articulate voice from any quarter should be welcomed .

  10. 这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵有声的散文。

    These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of bartram .

  11. 在中国,前进的步伐就是如此铿锵和有力。

    In China , the progress of the energetic and strong is such .

  12. 怀满铿锵&中国乐器收藏与李元庆的学科意识

    Chinese Instrument Collection and Discipline Consciousness of Li Yuan-qing

  13. 我国个人支票业务铿锵前行

    Personal check operations in our country proceed with sonorousness

  14. 刀剑铿锵响彻广场。

    The courtyard rang to the song of swords .

  15. 踩踏着一面铜锣的野蛮的铿锵节拍。

    Goes to the barbarous clangour of a gong .

  16. 他朝她走去,靴子在石地板上铿锵作响。

    He went to her , his boots ringing on the stone floor .

  17. 她们是又一支铿锵玫瑰,她们是今天最美丽的玫瑰!

    They are another sonorous rose , they are the today most beautiful roses !

  18. 惨白的霜冻牢固地铺在广场上,象是铿锵发响的金属。

    The bleak frost packed and paved the square as with some ringing metal .

  19. 全世界惊闻巨龙的铿锵步伐。

    The whole world is amazed at the advancing strides of the Oriental Dragon .

  20. 少校说,这几个字说得铿锵有劲。

    Said the major , half aloud .

  21. 静溢的湖蓝与时尚的互嵌设计,彰显铿锵气质的同时,给您宁静、安逸的沐浴享受。

    Fashionable and classic mutually embedded design adds luster and brightly highlights the bathroom decoration .

  22. “荷衣欲动兮,听环佩之铿锵”

    " With each rustle of her lotus garments , her jade pendants tinkle . "

  23. 步伐铿锵,奋发向上成长。

    Sonorous pace to advance growth .

  24. 这篇铿锵的应工人要求的檄文在四个居住区引起了不同反响。

    This extraordinary preamble to the worker 's demands was received differently in four different quarters .

  25. 历史以铿锵的步伐跨入信息时代,赋于本企业无穷的生命力。

    The history enters the info era with sonorous steps , endowing enterprise with infinite vitality .

  26. 中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为铿锵玫瑰!

    The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name " clangorous rose " .

  27. 观众的欢呼声,狮子的咆哮声,还有刀剑交兵的铿锵之声。

    The cry of the crowd . The roar of a lion . The clash of metal .

  28. 表演时而欢腾跳跃,时而击鼓旋转,鼓声铿锵,背灯闪烁,气氛异常热烈。

    Sometimes jubilant jump , sometimes rotating drum , drum sonorous , the backlight flashes , unusually warm .

  29. 他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。

    Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse .

  30. 它是来源于最直接的内心的声音,色彩明艳,声音铿锵,个性张扬。

    It is derived from direct inner voices , which are vivid , sonorous and of strong character .