
  • 网络sale force;marketing & sales
  1. 威尔登集团有6000人的销售队伍。

    The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force .

  2. 厂商们也在不断扩大ERP产品的范围,加进客户关系管理、供应链管理、销售队伍自动化等等。

    Increasingly , vendors are extending the scope of their ERP products by adding customer interaction management , supply chain management , sales force automation , and more .

  3. 例如,如果某位CEO宣布重组公司的销售队伍,并坚持到最后,当然可以赢得一定程度的信任。

    A CEO that announces that he or she is going to reorganize the company 's sales force and then follows through will win a certain amount of credibility .

  4. 如今,桑塔莫雷纳主管NetApp全美范围内的商业销售队伍。

    Today Mr Santamorena runs NetApp 's commercial sales group for the Americas .

  5. 对销售队伍的培训,包括产品培训销售培训,如何成为策略销售员;对销售队伍的激励;

    How to train the team on product and sales technique ;

  6. 销售队伍管理中防范道德风险的激励模型

    The Stimulation Model on Guarding Moral Hazard For Sales Team Management

  7. 本章主要针对澳航青岛分公司销售队伍管理中存在的问题进行研究。

    This part mostly research the problems on sales team management .

  8. 改善渠道管理、经销商管理和销售队伍培训;

    Improving Channel Management , Distributor Management and Salesmen Training ;

  9. 辽宁交通台销售队伍激励问题研究

    The Motivation Question Research on Liaoning Communication Station Marketing Team

  10. S公司销售队伍建设研究

    The Research of the Sales Team Construction of Company 's

  11. 因为销售队伍经常变动,而且业务不断发展。

    For the sales force changes frequently , and business expands continuously .

  12. 在指定区域领导和管理销售队伍,市场销售活动。

    Lead and manages all sales , marketing activities in specified area .

  13. 销售队伍通常穿得比较时髦。

    The sales team are usually fairly snappily dressed .

  14. 一个问题是如何组建一支善于招待顾客的销售队伍。

    Developing a salesforce that is adept at customer service is one problem .

  15. 房地产企业销售队伍的管理

    The Management of Sales Team in Real Estate Enterprise

  16. 负责公司销售队伍和研发队伍的管理等。

    Manage the sales and R & D team .

  17. 在市场经济条件下,精锐的销售队伍是企业的生命线。

    In market economy , it is essential for enterprises to train efficient salespersons .

  18. 工厂具有一支市场开拓能力和公关能力极强的销售队伍。

    The factory has a sales force of strong marketing capability and PR capability .

  19. 销售队伍的组织与管理

    The Organizations and Managements of Sales People

  20. 销售队伍变革;

    The reform of sale promotion personnels ;

  21. 作为促进贸易的主要手段,我们必须加强我们的销售队伍。

    We must focus on our sales force as the chief means of improving trade .

  22. 使客户成功,他们将成为名副其实的销售队伍属于你。

    Make your client successful and they will literally become part of your sales team .

  23. 汇丰晋信把目标对准了特定的机构渠道,并为每条渠道设立了专门的销售队伍。

    The joint venture targets specific institutional channels and has dedicated sales teams for each .

  24. 我希望成为一支有活力及高生产率的销售队伍的主管。

    I hope I could be a leader of an energetic and productive sales team .

  25. 根据销售队伍的需求,及时维护更新区域管理系统;

    Territory allocation according to field force requirement and update in the CRM system timely .

  26. 阿斯利康中国销售队伍管理分析

    AstraZeneca China Sales Force Management Analysis

  27. 市场和销售队伍必须必须适应市场,而不是产品和流程。

    The market and sales teams have to be geared to markets rather than products or processes .

  28. 领导销售队伍达到销售目标及市场份额,增加品牌知名度。

    Lead a sales team to achieve sales revenue and market share targets . Increase brand awareness .

  29. 美林证券是其最知名的全球私人客户服务和强大的销售队伍。

    Merrill Lynch is best known for its Global Private Client services and its strong sales force .

  30. 销售队伍架构

    Framework of Sales Team