
  • 网络long-term support;Long Term Support;LTS
  1. CentOS是一个企业也适合的桌面解决方案,特别是在稳定性,可靠性和长期支持方面,是对最新的软件和功能的首选。

    CentOS is also suitable as an enterprise desktop solution , specifically where stability , reliability and long-term support are preferred over latest software and features .

  2. 据其他科研人员说,同样重要的是致力于长期支持。

    Equally important , according to other researchers , is committing to long-term support .

  3. 日本和英国长期支持imf,如果满足一定的条件,我们随时准备出一份力。

    Japan and Britain are longstanding supporters of the IMF and stand ready to play our part in the global effort if certain conditions are met .

  4. 与此同时,如果ipo被视为成功的,且投行雇用的投资分析师在帮他们上市之后,仍将提供长期支持,大多数公司都不会有太大的抱怨。

    Meanwhile , most companies will not complain too much if an IPO is seen to be successful and they gain long-term backing from investment analysts employed by the banks that brought them to market .

  5. Fleury告诉本网络记者说,他希望得到更多的资助从而能够扩大这个计划,而世界科学记者联合会将会长期支持它。

    Net that he hopes to get more funding to extend the project , and says the World Federation of Science Journalists will support it " for the long run " .

  6. 难民不仅能够得到长期支持,还能够马上享有福利待遇。

    They will have immediate access to essential services as well as long-term support .

  7. 在工业政策上,他长期支持国家援助。

    In industrial policy , he has a long record of supporting state bail-outs .

  8. 这里终于要关站了,感谢您的长期支持!

    This site is closed now , thank you for the support in the past !

  9. 我们当中那些长期支持系统性金融改革的人,兴奋的关注着目前的动态。

    Those of us who have long advocated systematic financial reform look at current developments with excitement .

  10. 长期支持该地区发展的工厂倒闭,众多家庭为未来忧心忡忡。

    The factories that have long sustained the area are closing , and families are worried about the future .

  11. 卖方长期支持政策,特别是技术报废关键设备的支持政策。

    The seller 's long-term support policy , especially of the support policy of key equipments which are technically rejected .

  12. 在此,我也对州大冈萨雷兹校长和我们的老朋友施里副校长的长期支持表示真诚的感谢。

    I would also like to thank President Alexander Gonzalez and Executive Vice President Joseph Sheley for their continuing supports .

  13. 为长期支持您的项目,具有较强的技能可能是决策中的关键因素。

    For the long-term support of your project , the stronger skill set might be the tie-breaker in your decision .

  14. 对于多数乐团而言,相对于与长期支持、赞助并赞扬它们的社区搞好关系,追赶伟大乐团的脚步不那么重要。

    For most orchestras , chasing greatness is less important than connecting with the community that supports , finances and applauds them week-in week-out .

  15. 长期支持对烟草行业采取强硬措施、以改善公众健康的凯斯勒辩称:事实将证明,这将困难得多。

    Dr Kessler , a long-standing advocate of tough action against tobacco companies to improve public health , argues : This will prove much tougher .

  16. 这些根据地将是抗日游击战争最能长期支持的场所,是抗日战争的重要堡垒。

    They are all places where anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare can be maintained for the longest time and are important strongholds for the War of Resistance .

  17. 东方研究中心燕京研究所,是个专门研究中国问题的机构,受到美国著名中国问题专家费正清长期支持。

    Oriental Research Center , Harvard-Yenching Institute , a specialized study of China , the United States by the well-known China experts Fairbank long-term support .

  18. 其二,这个前普林斯顿大学教授在美联储推行他长期支持的通胀目标制改革,其进度如何?

    And at what pace would the former Princeton professor push the Fed towards adopting a formal inflation target , an idea he had long championed ?

  19. 纽厄尔的解释是不完全清楚,但似乎后者意味着一些更高层次的内容和球员的长期支持。

    Newell 's explanation is not entirely clear , but it seems that the latter implies some greater level of content and long-term support for players .

  20. 本公司产品质量好,价格具有竞争力,并且交货期准,赢得行业内客户的长期支持和信任。

    The company 's products of good quality and competitive price , and delivery potential , winning the industry 's long-term support and trust of customers .

  21. 阿富汗驻美国大使赛义德.贾瓦德也在“会见新闻界”接受采访,他也认为阿富汗需要美国的长期支持。

    Also appearing on Meet the Press was the Afghan Ambassador to the United States , Said Jawad , who echoed the need for long term U.S. support .

  22. 这些困难恶化了这类系统的复杂性和可维护性、增强了厂商锁定、增加了企业市场中对传统系统长期支持的需要。

    These difficulties exacerbate the complexity and maintainability of such systems , promote vendor lock-in , and increase the need for long-term legacy support in the enterprise market .

  23. 通常,一旦客户将应用程序从开发转至部署,他们就开始考虑基础代码(包括应用服务器)的长期支持需求。

    Often , once customers move an application from development to deployment , they start to consider the long-term support requirements for the underlying code ( including the application server ) .

  24. 尊敬的各位家长们,2011年的新年钟声即将敲响,值此辞旧迎新之际,对您给予的长期支持与厚爱,表示深深地感谢!

    New Year 's bell will soon ring ! On this special occasion , I wish to send you my sincere THANK YOU for supporting us and giving your love day by day .

  25. 只有彻底地克服了流寇主义,提出并实行建立根据地的方针,才能有利于长期支持的游击战争。

    Only when this ideology is thoroughly overcome and the policy of establishing base areas is initiated and applied will there be conditions favourable for the maintenance of guerrilla warfare over a long period .

  26. 如果企业不愿扮演这样的角色,社会应该设计出其他办法,为自我雇佣者提供长期支持和保障,就像自由职业者联盟和其他人正试图做的那样。

    If companies abdicate the role , then society needs to devise other ways to offer long-term support and security to the self-employed , as the Freelancers Union and others have been attempting to do .

  27. 最近几周,长期支持军事开支的知名保守派人物加入左翼反对者的行列,支持削减五角大楼的预算,甚至投票支持完全取消某些计划。

    Prominent conservatives , long a bastion of support for military spending , have joined forces in recent weeks with left-leaning opponents to back cuts to the Pentagon budget and even voted to cancel entire programmes .

  28. 中国社科院经济学家余永定长期支持采取措施促进消费,他表示,经济放缓是转变经济结构的一个契机。

    Yu Yongding , an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a long-time supporter of measures to boost consumption , says the slowdown is an opportunity to change the structure of the economy .

  29. 颁发这个新奖项是为了表扬长期支持、戴南大的非校友及热心教育的各界人士,感谢他们协助南大朝使命迈进,确保大学整体的发展。

    The " nanyang friends award " is established to recognise individuals whose notable and exceptional voluntary contributions have positively impacted the well-being of the university community and contributed to the advancement of the university 's mission .

  30. 正当保守派主流势力《读卖新闻》曾经长期支持的对象辩称日本已做出足够道歉时,渡边恒雄的团队接连挖出上世纪30、40年代日本灾难性的帝国主义冒险中,种种令人不安的事实。

    Just as the conservative mainstream that his paper had long backed was arguing that Japan had apologised enough , his team was busy digging up uncomfortable facts about the disastrous imperialist adventure of the 1930s and 1940s .