
  • 网络Long-eared Owl;asio otus;Asio otus Long-eared Owl
  1. 虽样本数较少,但基本反映长耳鸮的食量变化。

    Though the samples were fewer , they can basically show the appetite change of Long-eared owl .

  2. 长耳鸮主要分布在欧亚大陆。

    Long-eared owl is widely distributed in the world .

  3. 北京市区越冬长耳鸮的食性分析

    Diet of Wintering Long - eared Owls in Beijing City

  4. 保定城区越冬长耳鸮的食性研究

    Studies on Feeding Habits of Long - Eared Owls Surviving Winter in Baoding

  5. 长耳鸮冬季的捕鼠特点

    Characteristics of Species and Age Composition of Rodents Fed by Asio otus in Winter

  6. 长耳鸮的繁殖习性

    Breeding Habit of long - eared owl

  7. 不同栖居地和越冬时期长耳鸮的食物组成

    Food composition of wintering long-eared owls ( Asio otus ) in different habitats in Beijing

  8. 分析发现,植被的种类、高度及郁闭度对长耳鸮的越冬栖息地的选择有影响。

    Analysis showed that vegetation type , height , cover degree can influence their choice of habitat .

  9. 鸱鸮与凤凰&中国文学中的一组对立意象不同栖居地和越冬时期长耳鸮的食物组成

    Phoenix and Owl & A Pair of Contradictory Imagery in Chinese Literature ; Food composition of wintering long-eared owls ( Asio otus ) in different habitats in Beijing