
  • 网络At the door;entryway
  1. 由口门处至外海,Cr和Hg含量的总体趋势是增大的。

    From the estuary to the open-sea , the trend of the content of Cr and Hg is increscent .

  2. CT扫描示右肾门处4.0cm×5.5cm软组织影,密度均匀,右腰大肌自肾下极至髂内肌水平弥漫增粗,内见低密度软组织影。

    CT showed a soft tissue shadow of 4.0 cm × 5.5 cm with homogeneous density at right renal hilus , and diffusely thickened right greater psoas muscle at the level from lower pole of the kidney to internal iliac muscle with low-density soft tissue shadow inside .

  3. 位于左侧中部的肾门处有一些脂肪组织。

    The hilum at the mid left contains some adipose tissue .

  4. 副脾在脾门处的出现率为6.7%。

    In 6.7 % cadavers , the accessory spleen appeared in the splenic hilus .

  5. 胎儿第二肝门处肝静脉的解剖学观测

    The anatomy study of the fetal hepatic veins at the secondary porta of liver

  6. 他的行李卡在饭店入口的旋转门处。

    His luggage got stick in the revolving door at the entrance to the hotel .

  7. 目的探讨靠近第二肝门处的肝肿瘤的不同手术方法及血管损伤的处理措施。

    Objective To evaluate varied methods of hepatectomies for liver tumor near the second hepatic hilus .

  8. 因此,采取适当措施减少该形式港池口门处的淤积是十分必要的。

    So it is important to take proper measures to reduce the sedimentation at the basin entrance .

  9. 本文发展了一种可用于发动机进气门处流场计算的紊流模型。

    In the paper a turbulence model for calculating the flow field in theintake port of engine has developed .

  10. 对缸内喷射天然气发动机与进气门处喷射天然气发动机、汽油机的性能进行了分析对比。

    The performance of natural gas engine is compared with that of gasoline engine and port injection natural gas engine .

  11. 通过依次结扎犬脾门处脾静脉主干、胃脾静脉干及脾静脉属枝,建立继发性脾功能亢进动物模型。

    A canine model of secondary hypersplenism was established by ordinal ligation of gastrosplenic vein trunk , splenic vein and its collateral branches .

  12. 取石失败的1例患者,上述前三项指证均具备,但双合诊未触及结石,取石术中腺门处未发现结石。

    The 1 stone that not removed was not touched before operation , and was not found in the hilum area during operation .

  13. 假手术组只游离肝门处门静脉、肝动脉及肝上、下下腔静脉,不予阻断。

    The sham operation group only free portal hepatis the portal vein , hepatic artery and hepatic , inferior vena cava , not blocked .

  14. 应用流速&压力波法,须测量各缸进气歧管靠近进气门处的平均流速波和同一测量截面的压力波;

    The velocity-pressure wave method requires the measurement of both the average velocity wave and the pressure wave of intake manifold near the valve at the same cross section ;

  15. 坠机两个多小时之后,救援人员乘坐橡皮艇围聚在飞机周围,可以看到他们从打开的飞机门处拖出随身携带的行李。

    Rescuers clustered around the plane in rubber boats more than two hours after the crash , and could be seen pulling carry-on luggage from an open plane door .

  16. 用废气导入管将废气引到单侧进气门处,利用四气门汽油机的缸内气体滚流运动,实现废气与新鲜可燃混合气的分层。

    The exhaust gas is leaded to single intake port by the guided jet and achieves stratification with fresh mixture by using tumble motion of the engine in the cylinder .

  17. 苏北灌河的入海口门处有沙咀,其岸形和底形都比较复杂。

    The Guanhe River estuary , which has an irregular geometry and bottom topography complicated by the entrance bar , is open to the South Huanghai Sea ( Yellow Sea ) .

  18. 围绕在节气门处有足够的空气燃料混合气经怠速系统泄漏过来助长了熄不了火现象。即使有充足的燃料,像目前这样增长的能量消耗率也是不能维持很长时间的。

    Enough air-found mixture can seep around the throttle value and through the idle system to maintain the dieseling . Even given adequate fuel , the current rate of increase of energy consumption cannot continue for much longer .

  19. 结果:脾动脉在脾门处分支类型有分散型31例(83.78%),集中型6例(16.22%);

    Results : The data showed that the distribution of branches of splenic artery at the hilum of spleen was as follows : distributed type in 31 cases ( 83.78 % ), compact type in 6 cases ( 16.22 % );

  20. CL也提高肝脏中葡萄糖的异生作用,在肝静脉处血中葡萄糖流量上升了2596%(P<0.01)。门静脉处血中葡萄糖循环水平也相应提高。

    The glucose production by liver was also increased with clenbuterol treatment . The glucose flux of hepatic vein was increased by 25 96 % ( P < 0.01 ) and glucose level of portal vein was also elevated .

  21. 颌下、肺门等处淋巴结肿大化脓;

    In the lower jaw and hilum pulmonis , the lymph nodes were swelling and pyogenesis .

  22. 门开处,谁能想到走进来的正是我们在谈论的人。

    The door opens , and-who should enter but the very man we were talking of ?

  23. 在我住过的所有酒店,它门所处的地方都不会有塞车的情况发生。

    But of all the places I have lived , none has the accidental loveliness of D.C.

  24. 阐述了一种动态测定内燃机进气门座处气体流通特性的方法。

    In this paper a method for dynamically measuring air flow characteristics at intake valve seat of internal combustion engine is presented .

  25. 最大浑浊带中心处泥沙浓度趋于增大,但口门拦门沙处泥沙浓度趋于减小。

    The sediment concentrations of turbidity maximum zone tends to be higher , but the sediment concentration at sand bar tends to be lower .

  26. 门开处,几声低沉的咆哮声中一条全身黝黑、头大如斗、目光如炬的猛犬已经像幽灵般站在眼前。

    Office doors open , whereas low growl sound of a body of dark , the first large as the Big Dipper , the actual Mengquan has stood like a ghost like eyes .

  27. 简而言之,如果社交安排得当,男性的这种荒唐倾向是可以得到驾驭的,不仅可以鼓励他们在门线处站岗时保持虎视眈眈,也能让世界变得更加友善。

    In short , with the right social arrangements , this ludicrous tendency of men can be harnessed not only to encourage a ferocious goal-line stand but to make the world a kinder place .

  28. 用波动光学理论建立起光在空气与金属表面的传播模型,通过分析,给出了机械瞄准具照门缺口处虚光成因的近似解释。

    We use the theory of wave optics to set up a dynamic light model on surface between air and metals . The emerging reason of the falsely light in mechanical sight telescope mount is explained .

  29. 他踉踉跄跄、跌跌撞撞地不时闯进一个门里去,门开处或有一只手把他一把拽进屋去,或有一只蹄子把他蹬出来。

    And down this corridor , swinging his distress like a dingy lantern , Van Norden staggers , staggers in and out as here and there a door opens and a hand yanks him , or a hoof pushes him out .

  30. 那扇法式双开门通往一处铺着石板的露台。

    French doors open to a slate patio .