
  • 网络Mensa
  1. 想要进入门萨俱乐部,申请者必须接受正规的智力测试并答对至少98%的题目。阿斯瓦尔说:“门萨俱乐部测试了她的接受性记忆力、认知技能和逻辑推理能力。”

    To qualify for Mensa membership , applicants skills and logical reasoning , " Athwal said .

  2. 来看看这位小神童有什么过人之处吧!加州的一名幼童成为加入门萨俱乐部年纪最小的美国人。门萨俱乐部是世界上最古老的高智商协会。

    A California toddler is the youngest American to join Mensa -- the oldest IQ society in the world .

  3. 门萨俱乐部向《早安美国》证实,现年3岁的卡什·奎斯特于2021年3月29日加入门萨俱乐部美国分会,当时年仅两岁的她智商高达146,这使她成为门萨俱乐部最年轻的美国会员。

    Kashe Quest , now 3 , joined the American branch of the organization on March 29 , 2021 , at age 2 with an IQ of 146 , making her the youngest American member , Mensa confirmed to " Good Morning America . "

  4. 而只有智商在148以上(相当于总人口2%)的人群才有资格进入门萨俱乐部。

    Only those with an IQ of148 and above – the top2 percent of the population – qualify for Mensa .

  5. 一个智商超过160的3岁女孩刚刚成为门萨俱乐部在亚利桑那州最小的会员。

    A three-year old girl with an IQ above 160 has just become the youngest person in Arizona to be accepted into Mensa .

  6. 前2%的分数才能被允许进入门萨俱乐部,该俱乐部只面向分数在148以上、智商极高的人群。

    A top 2 % score -- which allows entry to Mensa , the club for those with high IQs -- would be 148 or over .

  7. 英国女孩维多利亚·考伊今年11岁,却拥有高达162的智商,比爱因斯坦、斯蒂芬·霍金以及比尔·盖茨还要高出2个点,故而被“门萨”俱乐部招收为会员。

    British girl Victoria Cowie is 11 years old but she has just been admitted to Mensa after scoring 162 in an IQ test - better than the 160 thought to have been achieved by Albert Einstein , Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates .