
yuè bīnɡ shì
  • parade;military review;dress parade;review
阅兵式 [yuè bīng shì]
  • [parade] 部队按规定的队形和礼节,接受阅兵首长从队列前通过进行检阅的仪式

  1. 将军在阅兵式中检阅了部队。

    The general inspected the parade .

  2. 一个月前,在自斯大林(Stalin)时期以来莫斯科红场举行的规模最大的阅兵式上,一位外国嘉宾与阅兵式上展示的令人生畏的武器一样吸引了世人的关注。

    A month ago , in the largest military parade held on Red Square since the days of Stalin , one foreign guest drew as much attention as the fearsome hardware on display .

  3. 那位将军在阅兵式上接受敬礼。

    The general took the salute of the military review .

  4. 阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。

    During the military parade , the Mig-29 aircraft , surface - , T-72 tanks were displayed .

  5. 在阅兵式前夕,美国取消了对印度太空研究组织(ISRO)和DRDO实施的出口禁令。这项禁令在十多年前印度开发核武器项目之后开始实施。

    On the eve of the parade , the US ended export restrictions on the Indian Space Research Organisation and the DRDO in place since India developed its nuclear weapons programme more than a decade ago .

  6. 他因拍摄了阅兵式的快照而被捕。

    He was arrested for snapping photos of a military , parade .

  7. 将军访问期间要举行阅兵式。

    Of the troops will be held during the general 's visit .

  8. 当年可在皇帝阅兵式中夺得一等奖的。

    Who won the first prize at the emperor 's review of troops .

  9. 女王驾临了阅兵式。

    The queen took the salute at the parade .

  10. 阿下来的凤凰城,亚利桑那州,加州主要街道阅兵式。

    A military parade down the main street of Phoenix , Ariz. , ca.

  11. 这里会有大型的阅兵式。

    There will be a big parade .

  12. 我听说歼-20将在这次阅兵式上亮相。

    I heard that the J-20 is supposed to make an appearance at this parade .

  13. 据洛兰·弗莱尔从马德里带来的报道,马德里为庆祝哥伦布日举行了阅兵式。

    Loran Fryer reports from Madrid where the holiday is being celebrated with military parade .

  14. 在一次阅兵式彩排中,俄国坦克沿着莫斯科的一条主干道前进。

    Russian tanks move along a central street during a rehearsal for a military parade in Moscow .

  15. 嗯,听起来的确是一场壮观盛大的阅兵式。

    Of course . Well , it does sound like it 's going to be a spectacular parade .

  16. 让北京能够瞄准任何地区对手进行精确打击的导弹,也在本次阅兵式上亮相。

    On display will also be missiles that enable Beijing to target any regional adversary with precision strikes .

  17. 随后,祖国各族人民怀着振奋和自豪的心情观看了气势磅礴的阅兵式。

    Then , the motherlands of all people respond to with exciting and pride watching the magnificent parade .

  18. 我现在没有兴致搞凯旋阅兵式,大功尚未告成。

    I am not in the mood for a victory parade . We aren 't at the end yet .

  19. 该照片摄于一次阅兵式,该车的主炮已转向车辆的尾部。

    This photo is of a parade with the main gun reversed to face the rear of the vehicle .

  20. 周六,朝鲜举行阅兵式,以纪念朝鲜战争停战协定签订60周年。

    North Korea held a military parade marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Agreement on Saturday .

  21. 我们都希望是很重要的,超越他人,实现区别,导致了阅兵式。

    We all want to be important , to surpass others , to achieve distinction , to lead the parade .

  22. 西班牙新国王和王后于去年夏天登基,在哥伦布日这天首次出席阅兵式。

    Spain 's new King and Queen crowned last summer , presided over their first military parade for the holiday .

  23. 中国计划举行重大阅兵式和其他一系列活动以庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年。

    China plans a major military parade and a number of other events to celebrate this year's60th anniversary of Communist rule .

  24. 他不久前刚刚参加了中国纪念第二次世界大战结束的阅兵式。

    Just before our lunch he attended a military parade in China to mark the end of the second world war .

  25. 在平壤举行了规模有所缩减的阅兵式几天之后,朝鲜政府今天上午向世界宣布,

    A matter of days after it held a scaled-down military parade in Pyeongyang , North Korea this morning announced to the world

  26. 哈桑·鲁哈尼在军队在德黑兰举行阅兵式庆祝建军节时发表以上讲话。

    Hassan Rouhani has made the comments at a military parade in Tehran , where Iran has been marking National Army Day .

  27. 京晶:马克,你听说了今年阅兵式的规模比2015年的胜利日阅兵式还要更大吗?

    Dialogue 2 Mark , have you heard that this year 's parade will be even bigger than the 2015 V-Day parade ?

  28. 由于阅兵式是一个具有政治色彩的军事活动,它存在着一定的敏感性,国外媒体对它的报道难免带上一贯的误读和偏见。

    Since parade is a sensitive military activity featured with political quality , foreign newspapers inevitably have bias and misconceptions in their coverage of this event .

  29. 张艺谋执导的庆典将伴随沿长安街(北京主要大道)的阅兵式举行。

    Mr Zhang will direct the celebrations that will accompany a military parade along Chang'an Jie - the Avenue of Everlasting Peace - Beijing 's main thoroughfare .

  30. 阅兵式结束后,他和他的妻子,原生北京人,计划在晚宴继续与中外朋友庆祝。

    After the parade , he and his wife , a native Beijinger , plan to continue celebrating at a dinner party with Chinese and foreign friends .