
  • 网络prevention planning;control program
  1. 结果在血吸虫病防治规划中建立了GIS系统,并在血吸虫病流行区得到了应用。

    Results This paper reports the establish-ment of GIS system in schistosomiasis control program and the progress of the application of GIS ina schistosomiasis endemic area .

  2. 辽河流域辽宁省水污染防治规划及治理措施

    Water Pollution Control Program on Liaohe River Basin in Liaoning Province

  3. 目的监测中国艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染流行趋势,为制定艾滋病防治规划和进行干预活动提供准确的信息。

    Objective To monitor the trend of HIV infection in China and provide accurate information for policy-making on AIDS prevention and control program .

  4. 这将为棉花烂铃病的研究和防治规划提供科学决策依据,也为GM(1,1)模型能在基层病虫测报站推广应用创造了条件。

    This shall provide scientific basis for the plan of study and con-trol on the cotton boll rot , and will create condition for the GM ( 1,1 ) extension and appli-cation on the basis level plant diseases and insect pests forecasting station .

  5. 结论全国ARI防治规划在大部分地区获得了成功,但仍需加大投入,加强对卫生工作人员的复训、监督和指导。

    Conclusions The National ARI Control Programme has been successful in most areas , but it still need to increase the input and strengthen the refresh training , supervision and management for health workers .

  6. 全国山洪灾害防治规划信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Nation-wide Mountain Torrents Control Programming Information System

  7. 水污染防治规划理论方法综述

    Summarization for the Theories and Methods of Water Pollution Control Programming

  8. 济南市固体废物污染防治规划方法

    Methodology research of urban solid waste pollution prevention and control planning

  9. 湖北省酸雨控制区二氧化硫污染防治规划

    Polluting Control of Acid Rain Controlled Areas in Hubei Province

  10. 越南国家结核病防治规划中的管理培训效果评估

    Management training in Vietnam 's National Tuberculosis Program : an impact evaluation

  11. 目的人体寄生虫病是影响人体健康的常见病、多发病之一。根据广东省寄生虫病防治规划要求,探索大规模集体防治肠道线虫病方法,开展本项目研究。

    Objective To explore a large-scale control of intestinal nematode infection method .

  12. 茂名市大气污染防治规划医学人类学与血吸虫病防治

    The Prevention and Control Planning of the Air Pollution in Maoming City

  13. 全国山洪灾害防治规划降雨区划研究

    Study on national precipitation area delineation for mountainous flood disaster prevention planning

  14. 邛海水污染防治规划研究

    Study on Plan of Water Pollution Treatment in Qionghai Lake

  15. 固定剂量复合剂在国家结核病防治规划中的应用研究

    Operational research of use Fixed-Dose Combination in national tuberculosis programme in China

  16. 江西省山洪灾害防治规划概述

    Brief introduction of the freshet disaster control of Jiangxi Province

  17. 松花江水系污染及其防治规划

    Pollution of Songhua River system and it 's control planning

  18. 陕西省结核病防治规划中期评估结果分析

    Analysis on the midterm evaluation of Shanxi tuberculosis prevention and control programme

  19. 中国西部地区重点地方病防治规划设想

    The control plan of key endemic disease in western region of China

  20. 运用遥感技术制定水土流失防治规划

    Formulating a Soil Conservation Plan Using Remote Sensing Techniques

  21. 湖南省实施国家结核病防治规划效果评价

    Effect Evaluation on National Tuberculosis Program in Hunan Province

  22. 城市地质安全战略与城市地质灾害防治规划

    Study on Urban Geological safety strategy and Disaster Prevention

  23. 基于山洪灾害防治规划数据集的小流域生成

    On the Derivation of Catchments Based on Datasets of Flash Flood Disaster Planning

  24. 未来十年西安市地质灾害防治规划探讨

    Discussion on treatment plan of geological hazards in Xi'an for the following ten years

  25. 济南市大气环境污染防治规划研究

    Air pollution prevention and disposition planning in Jinan

  26. 参与式方法在喀斯特石漠化综合防治规划中的应用

    Application of the Participatory Approach in Comprehensive Control Planning in Karst Rock Desertification Areas

  27. 1996~2005年苏州市实施结核病防治规划的综合效应评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Tuberculosis Control and Treatment Project in Suzhou from 1996 to 2005

  28. 全国山洪灾害防治规划中小流域自动提取技术

    Research on automatic catchment boundaries extracting technology in the national flash flood control planning

  29. 玉溪市红塔区水土流失现状及防治规划

    Situation of Soil and Water Loss and Control Plan in Hongta District of Yuxi City

  30. 输入响应关系的建立及在地面水污染防治规划中的初步应用

    Establishment of Input-Response Relation and its Initial Application in Water Pollution Prevention and Control Planning