
yīn yáng liǎng xū
  • yin-yang deficiency
阴阳两虚[yīn yáng liǎng xū]
  1. LDL-C升高和EF值降低可以作为阴阳两虚型辨证的客观化指标。

    The increase of LDL-C and the decrease of EF can be applied as subjective index for the syndrome of yin-yang deficiency .

  2. 结果:160例患者中,脾肾气虚患者和肝肾阴虚患者明显多于脾肾阳虚患者和阴阳两虚患者(P0.05)。

    Results : In 160 cases of MHD , the proportion of spleen-kidney Qi deficiency and liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome was obviously higher than that of spleen-kidney Yang deficiency and Yin-yang deficiency syndrome ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 将185例(283眼)糖尿病(DM)患者分为无DR组、DR组,中医证型分气阴两虚、阴阳两虚、血瘀气滞3型;

    Methods : 185 patients ( 283 eyes ) with diabetes mellitus ( DM ) were subjected to DR group and non-DR group .

  4. 阴阳两虚型出现并发症明显高於其他证型(P<0.05)。

    The occurrence of hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency and deficiency of both yin and yang type in non dipper EH patients was more common than that in dipper EH patients ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. HDL-C在阴阳两虚组较高并且有显著性意义(P<0.01)。

    HDI ^ C was higher in syndrome of deficiency of both yin and yang group ( DBQYG ) and has statistically significance ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 阴阳两虚和脾肾阳虚患者的iPTH和hs-CRP水平则高于脾肾气虚和肝肾阴虚患者。

    The iPTH and hs-CRP value of spleen-kidney Yang deficiency and Yin-yang deficiency syndrome was higher than other two syndromes ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 阴阳两虚型2型糖尿病患者IL-6、IL-8及TNF-α显著高于健康人对照组、阴虚热盛及气阴两虚型;

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) The plasma levels of II-6,11-8 and TNF - α in Type 2 DM patients with Yin-Yang-Liang-Xu group were significantly higher than those in normal control , Yin-Xu-Re-Sheng group and Qi-Yin - liang-Xu group .

  8. 提示血脂尤其是TG水平可作为中医辨证分型的客观参考指标之一3.各中医证型EH患者均存在不同程度左室舒张功能减退,以阴阳两虚型最明显。

    Tips lipids , especially TG levels can be used as a reference syndrome differentiation type indicator . 3 . TCM EH all patients varying degrees of left ventricular dysfunction to the most significant deficiency syndrome of Yin and Yang .

  9. 结果:阴虚热盛型ACTH及COR水平最高,气阴两虚型次之,阴阳两虚型最低。

    Results ACTH and COR levels were highest in Yin - deficiency with Heat - excess type and lowest in Yin - Yang both deficiency type , with the Qi - Yin both deficiency type in - between .

  10. 在试验组各证型之间心功能的比较中,阴阳两虚型射血分数(EF值)较其他三组降低,但无统计学意义,与阴虚阳亢型比较则有统计学差异;

    The research of hypertension syndromes and heart function shows that the EF in the syndrome of yin-yang deficiency decreases more than the other three groups , having statistic difference compared with the syndrome of yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity ;

  11. 肾阴虚118例、肾阳虚42例、肾阴阳两虚20例。

    There were 118 patients of kidney-yin-deficiency , 42 of kidney-yang-deficiency and 20 of kidney-yin-yang-deficiency .

  12. 在减量阶段,以气阴两虚为主;在维持阶段,以阴阳两虚为主。

    In hormone decrement stage , the deficiency of Qi and Yin was mostly pattern .

  13. NO值:阴阳两虚型<痰湿壅盛型<阴虚阳亢型<肝火亢盛型。

    NO value : yin-yang deficiency type < stagnation of phlegm-dampness type liver-fire excess type .

  14. 从本质上说来,两者皆属肾之阴阳两虚。

    Both the two conditions belong to the deficiency of both the kidney-yin and kidney-yang .

  15. 其中血瘀脉络型20例,阴阳两虚型20例。

    Where stagnation of the blood type - 20 cases , deficiency of both yin and yang type-20 cases .

  16. 肾虚与老年病其证候表现的类别有四个:肾虚→肾精不足和肾气亏虚→肾阳虚和肾阴虚→肾阴阳两虚。

    KIDNEY DEFICIENCY AND SENILE DISEASES There are four different levels in the Kidney Deficiency Syndromes ( KDS ) .

  17. 四种中医证型中,阴阳两虚组得分最低,但其余三组间无差别。

    The grade of the syndrome of Deficiency of Both Yin and Yang is the lowest among the four syndromes .

  18. 在本虚证中阴虚贯穿始终,且有以阴虚或气虚气阴两虚阴阳两虚发展的趋势。

    Throughout this deficiency in the yin and the development trend of the Yin or Qi Deficiency-Qi and Yin-yin and yang .

  19. 阴阳两虚是本病后期最常见的病理类型。

    Dual deficiency of Yin and Yang may be the most common syndrome types seen in the terminal stage of the disease .

  20. 阴阳两虚、寒凝心脉的平均年龄均高于其它证型。

    Yin and yang two falsely , cold Ning heart the average age of the vein all Gao in other certificate type .

  21. 对阴虚阳亢型和阴阳两虚型两组之间差异无显著性。

    There was no significant difference between the type of Yang - hyperactivity due to Yin-deficiency and the type of both Yin-and Yang-deficiency .

  22. 其中三型之纲为阴虚热盛型、气阴两虚型、阴阳两虚型。

    The principles of three types include Yin-deficiency and excessive heat , deficiency of both qi and yin , deficiency of both yin and yang .

  23. 目的探讨阴阳两虚型高血压患者的动态血压变化特点与靶器官损害的相关性分析。

    Objective To explore the correlation between ambulatory blood pressure ( ABP ) and target organ damage in the patients with yin-yang deficiency type hypertension .

  24. 变化规律:阴阳两虚型>肝肾阴虚型>阴虚阳亢型>肝阳上亢型>正常对照组。

    Change rule : yin-yang deficiency type > liver-kidney yin deficiency type > yin deficiency and yang-excess type > liver-yang excess type > the control group .

  25. 肝火亢盛证和阴阳两虚是高血压脂代谢紊乱和伴发肥胖的主要证型。

    Overabundant liver-fire type and type of asthenia of both yin and yang are main TCM syndromes of lipid metabolism disorder of hypertension accompanied by obesity .

  26. 血小板计数以肾阴阳两虚型最低,可作为其辨证的一个参考指标。

    Platelets to the total number of kidney deficiency of yin and yang-type minimum , can be used as a reference to its dialectical indicators . 5 .

  27. 只是到了疾病后期,阴阳两虚的情况下,才会采用温补肾阳、脾阳等方法治疗。

    Only in the late disease , deficiency of yin and Yang of the two cases , only by Ton if ying Kidney Yang , Spleen Yang therapy .

  28. 从《内经》《难经》谈先天精气之养护而病至阴阳两虚、肾元衰竭,易兼夹水湿、浊邪,预后极差。

    And deficiency of both yin and yang and failure of kidney congenital essence are likely to be accompanied by retention of water and turbidity , with poor prognosis .

  29. 阴虚体质与阳虚体质及气虚体质的比较,证实了中医阴阳两虚及气阴两虚理论的客观性。

    And the comparison between Yin-deficiency constitution and Yang-deficiency constitution convinced the objectivity of both Yin and Yang Deficiency theory in TCM . So is it with Qi-deficiency constitution and Yin-deficiency constitution .

  30. 以药测证,反证了衰老机体确有肾虚存在,其特点是阴阳两虚并存,且偏于阳虚。

    All these changes prove that kidney deficiency exactly exist in aging body and the character of kidney deficiency is deficiency both the yin and yang , and yang deficiency is more obvious .