
  • 网络aleppo;Halab
  1. 2014年,联合国教科文组织给了意大利两年的时间来管理威尼斯繁荣的旅游业,否则这个城市将被列入另一个名单——世界濒危遗产,加入被叙利亚战争摧毁的阿勒颇和巴尔米拉等遗址的行列。

    In 2014 , UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venice 's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed on another list — World Heritage In Danger , joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra , destroyed by the war in Syria .

  2. 数天前,阿萨德(assad)政权炮击阿勒颇一家医院,导致多人死亡。

    A few days ago , the Assad regime bombed a hospital in Aleppo , causing many deaths .

  3. 总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的反对者将其最近在大马士革和阿勒颇取得的进展标榜为决定性的战役。

    Opponents of President Bashar al-Assad have framed their recent advances into Damascus and Aleppo as decisive battles .

  4. 呼罗珊位于叙利亚西部近阿勒颇的地方,距离美国打击ISIS组织的另一边。

    This is a group in western Syria , near Aleppo , clear on the other side of the country from where they struck ISIS .

  5. 阿萨德政府日益虚弱,反对派对叙利亚的控制范围正在扩大,并正在向阿勒颇(aleppo)和大马士革发起进攻。

    The Assad government is weakening ; the opposition is controlling more parts of the country and bringing the fight to Aleppo and Damascus .

  6. 战斗人员和活动人士说,阿勒颇(Aleppo)由反对派控制的几个街区遭到直升机轰炸和炮弹袭击。叙利亚政府军与反对派武装已在那里连续作战近两个星期。

    Rebel-controlled neighborhoods in Aleppo , where the government and opposition fighters have been battling for nearly two weeks , came under helicopter bombardment and shelling , fighters and activists said .

  7. 与此同时,联合国驻叙利亚观察团负责人警告说,阿勒颇市(Aleppo)平民面临的危险不断加剧。阿勒颇市人口有200多万。

    Meanwhile , the head of the United Nations observer mission in Syria expressed alarm at the intensifying danger facing civilians in Aleppo , a city of more than two million people .

  8. 这里也有一个很小的叙利亚犹太人团体,主要在大马士革,阿勒颇和al-Kamishli。

    There is also a tiny Syrian Jewish community that is mainly in Damascus , Aleppo and al-Kamishli .

  9. 现在,他决定正式站出来,他的名字叫埃明·厄兹曼(Emin?zmen),是一位土耳其摄影师,他有关阿勒颇斩首事件的作品获得2012年世界新闻摄影奖。

    Now , he has decided to come forward for the first time . He is Emin ? zmen , a Turkish photographer awarded a World Press Photo prize in 2012 for his images of torture in Aleppo .

  10. 叙利亚自由军是数十个反对派组织的保护伞,自由军媒体办公室的Hussamal-Marie拿出了一份北部城市阿勒颇前线战地的地图。

    At the media office for the Free Syrian Army , an umbrella for dozens of battalions , Hussam al-Marie rolls out a map of the front lines around the northern city of Aleppo .

  11. 20岁的哈桑6个星期前从阿勒颇逃离。

    Hassan , 20 , fled from Aleppo six weeks ago .

  12. 据报道在阿勒颇和德拉的叙利亚人再次遭到围攻。

    Syrians in Aleppo and Daraa reportedly are under siege again .

  13. 在过去的几个月里阿勒颇数以千计的人被杀害。

    Thousands have been killed in Aleppo in the past few months .

  14. 那就是位于北部阿勒颇附近的坎阿萨。

    It 's Khan al-Assal near Aleppo in the north .

  15. 城市阿勒颇发生了一些暴力事件。

    Some of the violence is happening in the city of Aleppo .

  16. 叙利亚政府只要求联合国调查发生在阿勒颇的袭击。

    The Syrian government only requested UN investigation into the Aleppo attack .

  17. 叙利亚政府军称政府已完全控制了阿勒颇。

    Syrian government forces say Aleppo is now fully under government control .

  18. 联合国表示,过去10天内有200000民众逃离阿勒颇。

    The UN says 2 00000 have fled in the last 10 days .

  19. 莫利亚是位于叙利亚北部距阿勒颇约40公里的一个城镇。

    Marea , a town in northern Syria about 40 kilometers from Aleppo .

  20. 阿勒颇广场上售卖的一种特别的斋月面包。

    Special Ramadan bread for sale , Aleppo Souq .

  21. 据报道大部分伤亡发生在阿勒颇和大马士革的郊区。

    Most of the casualties were reported in Aleppo and the Damascus suburbs .

  22. 叙利亚阿勒颇市一家豪华酒店被毁坏。

    A luxury hotel in the Syrian city of Aleppo is in ruin .

  23. 据报道,阿勒颇急缺食物和汽油。

    They are also reporting food and gasoline shortages .

  24. 阿勒颇的古老部分是世界的遗产。

    The old section of Aleppois a world-heritage site .

  25. 阿勒颇大清真寺里做礼拜的穆斯林祈祷者。

    Salah Muslim prayer , Aleppo Great Mosque .

  26. 这是阿勒颇大学的学生连续两个晚上举行抗议。

    It was the second straight night that Aleppo students came out to protest .

  27. 13岁的迈哈迈德·阿萨德5个月前与家人从叙利亚的阿勒颇省一起来到这个难民营。

    Thirteen year-old Mahmoud Assad arrived five months ago from Aleppo with his family .

  28. 傍晚时分,从阿勒颇喜来登大酒店的屋顶上上眺望阿勒颇城市全景。

    Overhead view of Aleppo city skyline at dusk from rooftop of Sheraton Aleppo Hotel .

  29. 有三起袭击涉嫌使用化学武器,分别发生在阿勒颇、大马士革和霍姆斯。

    There have been three alleged chemical weapons attacks in Aleppo , Damascus and Homs .

  30. 或许是由于经济形势不错,阿勒颇没有立即卷入政府军与反对派的冲突中。

    Perhaps because times were good , Aleppo was not immediately embroiled in the conflict .