
  • 网络altai mountains;Altay Mountains
  1. 近日,蒙古国的考古学家正在小心翼翼地挖掘着保存在阿尔泰山脉的一具女木乃伊。

    Archaeologists in Mongolia are slowly unwrapping the mummy of a suspected ancient woman found preserved in the Altai Mountains .

  2. 这座洗手间坐落在海拔2600米的悬崖边上,是供阿尔泰山脉地区Kara-Tyurek的一个偏远气象站的工作人员使用的。

    The toilet serves a remote weather station at Kara-Tyurek in the Altai Mountains and is is perched on a cliff 2600 metres above sea level .

  3. 阿尔泰山脉南部线性花岗岩锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年及其地质意义

    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of two linear granite plutons in southern Altay Mountains and its tectonic implications

  4. 实际上,阿尔泰山脉的冰坝湖曾经释放出的洪水,其规模足以和密苏拉洪水媲美。

    In fact , an ice-dammed lake in the Altay Mountains had released deluges of comparable scale to the Missoula floods .

  5. 戈壁阿尔泰地区曾发生过多次震级7.0以上的地震,阿尔泰山脉系统实际上是一个发生高震级的地震构造带。

    There occurred several events with M_S ≥ 7.0 in the Gobi Altai region . We think Altai mountain system is a seismic belt occurring large earthquake .

  6. 认为由北东向南西的掀斜隆升和右行走滑剪切作用是欧亚大陆阿尔泰山脉西南麓隆升的主要机制。

    The paper suggests that the uplift tilting and right-lateral strike-slip shearing from northeast to southwest can be a mechanism of northwest foothills of Altai Mountain systems in Europe-Asia continent .

  7. 主要结论如下:1.对位于新疆中部的天山山脉和北部的阿尔泰山脉2个野生石竹自然分布区进行实地调查。

    Based on field investigation of 2 wild Dianthus natural distribution areas : Tianshan Mountains located in the middle of Xinjiang and Altay Mountains which was the north of Xinjiang . 2 .

  8. 俄气和中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中石油)签署了一份框架协议,计划沿着西部走廊铺设管线。此条管线将从哈萨克斯坦和蒙古中间经由阿尔泰山脉进入中国。

    Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation signed a framework agreement to build the pipeline along a so-called western corridor , which would cross into China over the Altai Mountains , between Kazakhstan and Mongolia .

  9. 不过,他们还发现了“基因流动”的又一个例子,而且是个出人意料的例子:具体来说,是阿尔泰山脉的尼安德特人与今天的非洲人有一些同样的突变,而不是欧亚人。

    But they also found another example of so-called gene flow , and an unexpected one at that : The Altai Neanderthals in particular shared some mutations with living Africans , but not with Europeans and Asians .

  10. 詹金斯去了位于中国西北部的阿尔泰山脉,这里也是哈萨克斯坦,蒙古和西伯利亚这3个国家交汇的地方——“差不多正好位于亚洲中部”——这里的图瓦人有着至少4千年的滑雪历史。

    Jenkins went to the Altai Mountains inNorthwest China , about where Kazakhstan , Mongolia and Siberia cometogether - " kind of dead-center Central Asia " - where the Tuvan people have been skiing for at least4000 years .

  11. 三年后,马克斯·普朗克的研究团队重构了一名男性尼安德特人的完整基因组。这些基因来自西伯利亚阿尔泰山脉发掘的一块距今至少5万年的趾骨。

    Three years later , the Max Planck team reconstructed the complete genome of a male Neanderthal from a toe bone dating back at least 50000 years , which had been discovered in the Altai Mountains of Siberia .

  12. 该地区在哈萨克斯坦,俄罗斯,蒙古和中国阿尔泰满足称为结和在阿尔泰山脉的核心。

    The area where Kazakhstan , Russia , Mongolia , and China meet is called the Altai Knot and is in the heart of the Altai Mountains .