
  • Argentine;Argentinian;Argentinean;Argentineans
  1. 打入青少年女子组第三轮的郑钦文的教练是曾经担任李娜和贾斯汀·海宁(JustineHenin)教练的阿根廷人卡洛斯·罗德里格兹(CarlosRodriguez)。

    Zheng Qinwen , who reached the third round of the girls " draw , is coached by the Argentine Carlos Rodriguez , who formerly coached Li and Justine Henin .

  2. 然而阿根廷人却被“假小罗”以假乱真。

    But the Argentine was initially fooled by the Ronaldinho double .

  3. 梅西在诺坎普的前队友哈维称,C罗值得人们尊重,但感觉这位葡萄牙射手还是不如阿根廷人。

    Xavi , a former team-mate of Messi 's at Camp Nou , said Ronaldo deserved credit , but feels the Portuguese attacker is behind the Argentinian .

  4. 大多数西方中产阶级白人相信,是荒唐的经济政策导致了阿根廷2002年的崩盘,而大多数阿根廷人则认为这是以国际货币基金组织(IMF)为首制造的一场阴谋。

    In 2002 most white middle-class westerners believed that Argentina had collapsed due to absurd economic policies , whereas many Argentines blamed a conspiracy led by the International Monetary Fund .

  5. 阿根廷人相对于2010年来说,表现得更为满意,这就能很好的解释,CristinaFernández此月轻易的赢得第二次大选的原因。

    Argentines were much more satisfied than in2010 & which helps to explain why Cristina Fern á ndez easily won a second term in a presidential election this month .

  6. 在这项Badoo票选中,巴西人是排名第二酷的民族,也是拉美第一酷,拉美国家中紧随其后的是墨西哥人跟阿根廷人。

    Brazilians are ranked the second coolest nationality in the Badoo poll and the coolest Latin Americans , ahead of Mexicans and Argentinians .

  7. 阿根廷人都喜欢在外面待到很晚才回家,所以不妨到LABTostadoresdeCafe补充些咖啡因提提神,这里是布宜诺斯艾利斯新一代现代咖啡馆中最棒的一间,可让你在充满工业风格的时尚环境中品尝一杯意式浓缩咖啡。

    Argentines stay out late , so fortify yourself with a caffeine stop at LAB Tostadores de Cafe , a roastery and one of the best of Buenos Aires 's new crop of modern coffee shops , where espresso is served in an industrial chic interior .

  8. 一个德克萨斯州女孩是怎么遇到一个阿根廷人的呢?

    How did a girl from Texas meet someone from Argentina ?

  9. 应当由阿根廷人选择自己想要的政府。

    It is up to Argentines to choose the government they desire .

  10. 美国人踢足球远不如阿根廷人。

    Americans do not play football as well as Argentines .

  11. 给阿根廷人倒红酒的时候一定要小心。

    Be careful how you pour wine for an Argentinian .

  12. 他的名字叫凯撒马丁,阿根廷人。

    His name is Cesar martinez . he 's an Argentine resident .

  13. 原来阿根廷人和北美人一般爱大块吃肉。

    A vegetarian in Argentina is like a duck out of water .

  14. 你们不是巴西人,也不是阿根廷人。

    You are neither Brazilian nor an Argentineans .

  15. 他就像个巴西人或者阿根廷人。

    He 's like an Argentinian or Brazilian .

  16. 那是无数阿根廷人的祖国。

    The mother country of so many argentines .

  17. 阿根廷人开的巴塔哥尼亚店提供不错的冰激凌,夏日水果冰沙和美味的巧克力。

    Argentine-owned Patagonia has incredible ice cream , summer fruit sorbets and spectacular chocolates .

  18. 难道阿根廷人用自己的肘部踢球?

    Do Argentinians play soccer with their elbows ?

  19. 这个阿根廷人被认为是全场最佳,并且和小罗之间显示出惊人的默契。

    The Argentinian was named as man-of-the-match and showed a great understanding with Ronaldinho .

  20. 阿根廷人会在新年的时候通过吃豆子带给他们好运。

    Argentinians prepare themselves for the New Year by eating beans for good luck .

  21. 成千上万的阿根廷人已经很快越过边境来到巴西。

    Tens of thousands of them already have made the short trip across the border .

  22. 我想要告诉所有阿根廷人,我一直感到一种强烈的责任感。

    I want to tell all the Argentines that I have always felt a great sense of responsibility .

  23. 马拉松项目的冠军是阿根廷人,他只比图灵的纪录快17分钟。

    The Marathon was won for Argentina but in a time still only seventeen minutes better than Alan 's.

  24. 不可思议我是第一名赢得两枚奥运足球金牌的阿根廷人。

    It 's amazing to think I am the first Argentinean to win two gold medals like this .

  25. 小时候,我觉得自己是个地道的阿根廷人,但我的外表时不时会背叛我。

    During my childhood , I felt very much Argentinian , but my looks betrayed me at times .

  26. 鲁尼和特维斯都很努力,但阿根廷人通常只能坐板凳。

    Wayne Rooney 's a hard worker and so is Carlos Tevez , but he 's usually a substitute .

  27. 德尔波特罗,也许这个阿根廷人不可能击败纳达尔,但是他至少会让纳达尔流一身的汗。

    Juan Martin del Potro : Our man JMDP won 't beat Nadal but he could make him sweat .

  28. 阿根廷人的队伍当中,有一大批精通球艺的能工巧匠和艺术大师,其中就包括世界上名字最为响亮的顶尖高手。

    Argentina does have a lovely roster balance of workers and artists , including the world 's top player .

  29. 我们也去看了高秋秀,类似美国农庄牛仔,是阿根廷人另外一种不同文化。

    We also went to see the Gouache Ranch show * It is different kind of the Argentines culture .

  30. 另一位作家叫博尔赫斯,是阿根廷人,他对但丁的仰慕不亚于我。

    Another writer from Argentina named Jorge-Luis Borges was no less an admirer of the work of Dante than myself .