
  • 网络Lujiazui Forum
  1. 中国证监会主席易会满在上海举行的陆家嘴论坛上发表讲话。

    China Securities Regulatory Commission chairman Yi Huiman made the remarks at the Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai .

  2. 在陆家嘴论坛一个关于大宗商品的小组讨论会上,彭俊衡和其他与会者阐述了中国急需开展原油期货交易的原因:定价权。

    He and other speakers on a panel about commodities made clear the reason China is eager to pursue crude oil futures trading : pricing power .

  3. 7月初,一批卓有见地的中外政策制定者、学者以及市场从业者齐聚上海,参加一年一度的陆家嘴金融论坛。

    At the beginning of July , a mix of the most thoughtful Chinese and foreign policy makers , academics and market practitioners gathered in Shanghai for the annual Lujiazui financial forum .