
  1. 陆贽与中唐文学

    The Relation between Lu Zhi and Literature of Mid-tang Dynasty

  2. 无论在军事思想的体系化和军事理论的应用上,陆贽都远远胜于苏轼。

    Both in military theory and applications , LuZhi was much better than Su Shi .

  3. 陆贽从维护封建统治出发,针对当时的社会现实,提出了限制封建地主滥占土地的主张,保护农民赖以生存的土地。

    In order to defend the feudal system , Lu Zhi advocated to restrict the feudal landlords possessing the land excessively and protected the farmer 's land in view of the social reality of his time .