
  1. 它和你一起被留在了孤儿院门口

    That was in your crib when you were left outside the orphanage ,

  2. 在快到歌剧院门口的一道门那儿,他们停住了。

    At one of the lit tle back doors to the Opera House , they stopped .

  3. 他领我到院门口。我观看,见墙上有个窟窿。

    And he brought me to the door of the court ; and when I looked , behold a hole in the wall .

  4. 我在院门口晃悠,想着要不要去街对面找维娜玩,她是我五年级最好的朋友。这时,我看见从街上走来一个流浪汉。

    I was swinging on the front gate , trying to decide whether to walk down the street to play with Verna , my best friend in fifth grade , when I saw a tramp come up the road .

  5. 他领我到耶和华殿外院朝北的门口、谁知、在那里有妇女坐著、为搭模斯哭泣。

    Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD 's house which was toward the north ; and , behold , there sat women weeping for Tammuz .