
  • 网络Randomized block design;Block randomization
  1. SPSS软件进行随机区组设计非参数检验的多重比较

    Multiple comparison of randomized block design of non-parametric test by SPSS

  2. 通过模拟基因组、QTL效应、分组试验误差等条件,比较研究重复内分组设计和完全随机区组设计下的QTL检测精度。

    We compared the precision of QTL detection under Block in replication design with that under randomized block design by simulation experiments in which genomic loci , QTL effect , block error and other conditions were simulated .

  3. 利用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)模拟考察了随机区组设计、裂区设计和条区设计因数据缺失形成的数据非平衡性对试验分析结果的影响。

    This paper examined the influence of data imbalance on the analysis results for random block design , split-plot design and strip-plot design using the Monte Carlo simulation .

  4. 利用统计软件SPSS,对肥效试验的数据进行随机区组设计分析、裂区区组设计分析,应用该软件能使较为繁琐的统计过程变为更简单、直接、准确。

    Using SPSS statistical software on block design analysis , cleft district design analysis group , that can make the complicated statistical process become more simple , direct and accurate .

  5. 结果朗道质控物和新鲜血浆标本Glu测定经随机区组设计资料的方差分析,各检测系统间的总体差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。

    Results Analysis of variance showed Glu results from different control and patients plasma had significant difference between various detection systems ( P < 0.001 ) .

  6. 利用随机区组设计,研究了在始穗期叶面喷施6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、6-糠胺基嘌呤、玉米素等3种细胞分裂素类物质对地膜旱作水稻防衰及产量的影响。

    By using block design the effect of 6-benzyladenine , 6-Amine and zeatin spray on senescence prevention and yield of pellicle dry-cultivated rice during its early earning stage were studied .

  7. 运用双因素随机区组设计方案,研究了稀土、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚丁酸(IBA)三种植物生长调节剂对三个锥栗品种无性系产量增加的影响。

    The effect of GA 3 , IBA and rare earth elements on yield increase in 3 clones of Castanea henryi was studied , using double factor randomized block design .

  8. 采用随机区组设计方法,对毛竹实生幼苗喷施稀土多元复合肥、萘乙酸、GGR和复混磷酸二氢钾。

    Phyllostachys shoot grown from seed were sprayed by lanthanon multiple fertilization , naphthalin acetic acid , GGR and KH_2PO_4 with random group sample method .

  9. 采用随机区组设计,重复三次,利用生物统计学方法,探讨不同苔葱抑制剂剂量、不同洋葱品种L1代的生物学表现。

    The experiment was designed with random grouping and repeated three times . With biological statistics , we studied biological effects of different dosages of onion stem inhibitor upon different L1 generation onion varieties .

  10. 采用全国86个银杏叶单株无性系、随机区组设计(RBE)对7个数量性状的直接、间接和多性状选择进行了研究。

    The direct , indirect and multiple trait selection on seven quantitative characters of Ginkgo leaves from all over the country , and 86 single tree clones through randomized block experiment ( RBE ) are studied in this paper .

  11. 对象草Pennisetumpurpureum的7个施氮处理采用完全随机区组设计,3茬刈割测定结果表明,每茬施氮处理间的干物质产量存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Using randomized complete block design , the yields of Pennisetum purpureum at 7 nitrogen application levels were studied . The result showed that the dry matter yields of different nitrogen application had significant treatment effect ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 试验采用随机区组设计,对采穗母树设遮光和喷施叶面肥处理,穗条选取未木质化、半木质化、木质化三种,长度分为3~5cm,5~8cm,15cm以上。

    Using block randomization design , we select three kinds of cuttings for non-lignification 、 semi-lignification and lignification , and the length is 3 ~ 5cm 、 5 ~ 8cm and over 15cm respectively by shading and spraying foliar fertilizer with stock maternal tree ;

  13. 采用随机区组设计,将20头泌乳中期的中国荷斯坦奶牛分为对照组和加减白虎汤散剂组。

    Twenty mid-lactating cows were used in a randomized block design .

  14. 双向随机区组设计对拉丁方设计的相对效率

    Relative efficiency of two direction random block desing to Latin square design

  15. 试验采用完全随机区组设计,分别在含黄霉素和不含黄霉素的日粮中添加不同水平的益生素(0、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%)。

    The experiment was conducted as completely random block design .

  16. 双向随机区组设计在品种区域试验中的应用

    Applications of two directions random block design in regional experiment of variety

  17. 采用定位研究,随机区组设计,3次重复。

    The position research and randomized block design with three replicates were adopted .

  18. 采用随机区组设计,三次重复。

    Randomized block design with three replications was used .

  19. 设计:完全随机区组设计。

    DESIGN : A completely randomized group dividing design .

  20. 这些群体的无性系按完全随机区组设计种植。

    The clones of these populations were grown in randomized complete - block design .

  21. 本试验采用随机区组设计对优质稻施肥水平进行研究。

    Study on the correlation between rice quality and agronomic traits of quality rice ;

  22. 本研究用随机区组设计,研究了不同洗涤剂对洗脱头发表面外污染氟的洗涤效果。

    With randomized blocks design we studied the washing effects of 4 kinds of detergents .

  23. 设计:以细胞为对象,随机区组设计。

    DESIGN : Randomized block design .

  24. 采用完全随机区组设计营造了包含20个鹅掌楸种源的种源选择试验林。

    The provenance trial forest which involves 20 provenance of Liriodendron was built by completely randomized design .

  25. 采用随机区组设计,研究了钼肥喷施时期和浓度对大豆生长、产量及品质的影响。

    The effects of molybdenum on soybean growth , yield and quality were studied in this paper .

  26. 林木田间试验多数采用完全随机区组设计,其中关键的工作是确定适宜重复数和小区株数。

    The two important parameters in complete randomized block design are numbers of replication and plot size .

  27. 为了减少因为动物骨骼骨密度的不同而造成生物力学性能的差异,我们采用了随机区组设计。

    In order to reduce differences in biomechanical properties effected by BMD , we use randomized block design .

  28. 用大田随机区组设计研究了叶面喷施6苄基腺嘌呤(6BA)对旱作水稻衰老及产量的影响。

    By randomized block design the effect of 6 benzyladenine spray on senescence prevention and yield of dry cultivated rice were studied .

  29. 结果证实,在这种情况下组平衡区组设计优于随机区组设计。

    The result showed that under this situation , the group balanced block design was better than the random complete block design .

  30. 实验设计方法一般有对比设计、随机区组设计、裂区设计、正交设计等。

    The experimental design methods generally include comparision design , randomized block design , split plot design , orthogonal design and so on .