
  • 网络Carry-on baggage
  1. 有关随身携带行李的新政策马上就要在美国各大机场付诸实施了。

    The carry-on-baggage police will soon be out in force at airports .

  2. 这是我的随身携带行李。

    This is my carry-on luggage .

  3. 乘客和随身携带行李将会通过一个探测易爆物的装置,不过没必要脱鞋,外套或者帽子。

    Both the passenger and carry-on bags would pass through an explosives-detection device , but there would be no requirement to remove shoes , coats or hats .

  4. 我能查查飞机上是否有我一件随身携带的行李吗?

    Could I check the plane for a carry-on on mine ?

  5. 请您把随身携带的行李放在传动带上。

    Put your carry-on baggage on the belt , please .

  6. 要求乘客把他们随身携带的行李锁在座位上方的小柜里。

    Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggages into lockers above the seats .

  7. 旅客须将随身携带的行李放入座位上方的贮藏柜里。

    Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggage in the lockers above the seats .

  8. 我好像在飞机上丢失了一件随身携带的行李。

    It looks like I 'm missing one of my carry-ons from the plane .

  9. 并请大家将随身携带的行李物品放在座位下面或者头顶的行李柜中。

    And , passengers must store all carry-on luggage under their seats or in the overhead compartments .

  10. 而在飞机上没有为娃娃购票的主人,公司方面也会把这些娃娃当作随身携带的行李。

    Owners who take dolls on the plane without tickets will have them treated as carry-on luggage .

  11. 也就是说,随身携带的行李一般不会查重量的是吗?

    Hope is a good thing , maybe the best of all things , good things never die .

  12. 很抱歉。所有随身携带的行李必须放在您前面的座位底下或您头顶上方的分隔间里。

    I 'm sorry , all carry-on luggage must be placed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartment .

  13. 飞机起飞前,所有随身携带的行李都必须放到头顶的行李厢内。旅客须将随身携带的行李放入座位上方的贮藏柜里。

    All carry-on luggage must be stored in the overhead compartments before departure . Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggage in the lockers above the seats .

  14. 坠机两个多小时之后,救援人员乘坐橡皮艇围聚在飞机周围,可以看到他们从打开的飞机门处拖出随身携带的行李。

    Rescuers clustered around the plane in rubber boats more than two hours after the crash , and could be seen pulling carry-on luggage from an open plane door .

  15. 圣彼得得到了肯定的答复,出来对他说:“不错,你是可以带一件随身携带的行李,不过,让你进去之前,我要先检查一下你箱子里的东西。”

    Sure enough , St. Peter checked it out , came back and said , " You 're right . You are allowed one carry-on bag , but I 'm suposed to check its contents before letting it through . "

  16. 据空姐、她的一位同事以及新华社采访的乘客说,先是方大国及其散发着强烈酒气的夫人发现座位上方没有位置存放他们随身携带的行李,于是叫空姐过来。

    According to accounts from the flight attendant , a co-worker and passengers interviewed by Xinhua , it began when Mr. Fang and his wife , the latter smelling strongly of alcohol , called the flight attendant after failing to find space above their seats to store their carry-on bags .

  17. 我一次航班可以随身携带多少公斤行李?

    How many kilogrammes of luggage can I carry with me for a flight ?

  18. 我要随身携带这个作为手提行李。

    I want to carry this with me as hand baggage .

  19. 旅客随身携带物品或者托运行李的毁灭、遗失或者损坏完全是由于行李本身的自然属性、质量或者缺陷造成的,承运人不承担责任。

    The carrier shall not be liable for the destruction or loss of , or damage to , any carry-on articles or checked baggage of the passenger if such destruction or loss or damage resulted solely from the inherent defect , quality or vice of the baggage .