
  • Invisible debt;potential pension liability
  1. 从企业被购买式兼并的司法实践看企业隐形债务的承担主体

    To ascertain the bearer of the veiled debts of an enterprise from the judicial practice involving take-over by purchase

  2. 人口老龄化、隐形债务的巨额缺口、公共年金单一支柱的弊端都昭示着制度改革的紧迫性。

    Aging of the population , the huge gap stealth debt , public pensions are the disadvantages of a single pillar of the system shows the urgency of reform .

  3. 另一方面,人口老龄化速度加快、社会保险福利费水平刚性上升以及部分积累制改革必须应对的隐形债务问题使社保基金的支出量迅速增加;

    On the other hand , expenditure of social security funds is rapidly increased by the fast pace of population aging , upgrading of social welfare funds and invisible debt problems to be solved in reforms of partial accumulative system .

  4. 如果在已有的隐形债务无法显性化或者没办法去除的情况之下,来大规模发行地方政府债券就可能会使地方政府的债务规模失去控制,从而给地方财政的带来巨大的风险。

    If we do not dominant in the hidden debtor remove the circumstances , issue a large scale sub-national government bonds may make the scale of government debt out of control . so that it will bring credit risk to the government finance .

  5. 但是,正像世界其他国家的经历一样,这个转轨过程受到了历史负担及政治现实的阻碍,因此如何转轨的问题还有进一步探讨的必要,特别是在隐形养老金债务的问题处理上。

    However , as the experiences of other countries of the world , the transition course receive history bear and politics realistic hindrance , So how to go through transition , especially in implicit pension debt , is an trickiness problem .