
zhànɡ ài sài pǎo
  • steeplechase;chase;handicap race;obstacle/hurdle race
障碍赛跑 [zhàng ài sài pǎo]
  • [steeplechase; obstacle race] 田径运动比赛项目之一,是在三千米跑道上,跨越栏杆、跳过水坑等障碍物的长距离赛跑

  1. 我以前从没听过障碍赛跑。我相信如果我去参加,一定会被障碍物绊倒。

    I never heard of the steeplechase until today . I 'm sure I would fall over the obstacles if I were running .

  2. 小明在障碍赛跑中获得了第一名。

    Xiaoming got first in the steeplechase contest .

  3. 汽车在高速公路上走像障碍赛跑。

    Cars on the freeway go like a handicap race .

  4. 他讲人生就象是一场障碍赛跑。

    He said life was like an obstacle race .

  5. 现在他们已准备进行障碍赛跑。

    Now they 're ready for the steeple chase .

  6. 儿童体育节上的障碍赛跑用计时定名次。

    The obstacle race in the children 's sports day was run against the clock .

  7. 上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯尼亚人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。

    Later in the week , the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase .

  8. 我还会给他做玩具堡垒,如果我在家里建个“障碍赛跑训练场”,他就会开心得不得了。

    I would make him forts or he would love it if we made an obstacle course in the house .

  9. 从逍遥音乐节到游行活动到电影节,障碍赛跑和僵尸主题的活动已经像食肉菌一样在全美各地流传开来。

    Obstacle-course races and zombie-themed events - from proms to marches to film festivals - have been spreading across the country like a flesh-eating bacteria .

  10. 裁判员可以保留,负责阻止游泳运动员在水下打架,或者障碍赛跑运动员在盲区绕过水沟,尽管如今无处不在的摄像头完全可以胜任此类工作。

    Referees can stay , to stop swimmers mugging each other underwater or steeplechasers skipping round the blindside of the water jump , although these days ubiquitous cameras would do the job just as well .

  11. 短跑运动员、撑杆跳运动员和障碍赛跑运动员通常不会像职业橄榄球和篮球运动员那样从球队领取年薪。他们主要是靠奖金,以及和运动鞋制造商等赞助方签订赞助合同。

    Sprinters and pole-vaulters and steeplechasers generally do not receive annual salaries from teams the way professional football and basketball players do . Instead , they mostly rely on prize money and contracts with shoe companies , along with other endorsements .