
  1. 罗素发现,康托悖论和集合论悖论是很类似的。

    Russell noticed that Cantor 's paradox had an analogy in the theory of sets .

  2. 集合论悖论与辩证逻辑

    Paradox of Set Theory and Dialectical Logic

  3. 20世纪30年代初,逻辑悖论研究的重心从集合论悖论逐渐过渡到语义悖论。

    In the early 1930s , the research emphasis of logic paradox was transferred gradually from set theory paradox to semantic paradox .

  4. 这套最小化的假定,可望能以比现在更自然更令人信服的方法解决集合论中的悖论。

    One effect to be hoped for , in such a minimization , is a more natural and conclusive solution than we now have for the antinomies of set theory .