
jí hé
  • set of;collect;aggregate;assemble;gather;meet;muster;converge;rally;congress;call together
集合 [jí hé]
  • [assemble;collect;congrate;converge;muster;rally;gether;call together] 分散的人或事物聚集到一起;使聚集

  • 紧急集合

  • [aggregate] 一组具有某种共同性质的数学元素

  • 有理数的集合

集合[jí hé]
  1. 我们七点三刻在饭店门口集合。

    We 'll gather at the gate of the hotel at a quarter to eight .

  2. 村里的人们开始集合,在走廊里逗留了片刻的工夫,以便互相耳语,谈谈这桩不幸的事情。

    The villagers began to gather , loitering a moment in the vestibule to converse in whispers about the sad event .

  3. 中士命令士兵集合。

    The sergeant ordered his men to fall in .

  4. 要求我们在大厅集合。

    We were requested to assemble in the lobby .

  5. 我们得马上集合去吃午饭。

    We must get together soon for lunch .

  6. 全体船员到甲板上集合!

    All hands on deck !

  7. 如果不加限制,城市往往会联合发展成越来越大的集合城市。

    Cities , if unrestricted , tend to coalesce into bigger and bigger conurbations

  8. 数以百计的孩子们被集合起来。

    The children were assembled in hundreds

  9. 男生和女生集合起来去野餐。

    The boys and girls gathered for a picnic .

  10. 学生在学校礼堂集合。

    The pupils assembled in the school hall .

  11. 集合!

    (口令) Fall in !

  12. 上尉命令他的士兵立即集合。

    The captain ordered his men to fall in at once .

  13. 将集合地点通知大家。

    Notify everyone of the gathering place of assembly .

  14. 炎性渗出物集合在表面。

    An inflammatory exudate collects on the surface .

  15. 团长下令紧急集合。

    The regiment commander ordered ( or gave orders for ) an emergency muster .

  16. 命令全排战士集合。

    Order the whole platoon to fall in .

  17. 这个队下午集合开会。

    The team will meet in the afternoon .

  18. 号一响,我们就跑到运动场集合站队。

    As the bugle sounded we ran to the sports ground and fell in .

  19. 所有的指挥官都集合在司令部。

    All the commanders gathered at the head-quarters .

  20. 星期六早上的集合点,团队坐上汽车向着未知目的地出发了。

    At Saturday morning 's assembly point , teams boarded coaches for an unknown destination .

  21. 工头把工人集合起来。

    The foreman ganged the men together .

  22. 司令集合了他的参谋人员。

    The commander congregated his staffs .

  23. 一个集合上的二元关系,如果它是自反的也是对称的,可称它为相容关系。

    A binary relation on a set that is reflexive and symmetric is called a compatible relation .

  24. 集合a可看作全域&所有感兴趣的元素的集合。

    The set a might be thought of as the universe & the set of all elements of interest .

  25. 对于一个回路的集合来讲,如果其中任意两个回路之间都没有一个公共的节点,则称这个集合是互不接触的。

    A collection of loops is said to be nontouching if no two of the loops have a node in common .

  26. 集或集合是我们的直观或我们的思维中被看作一个整体的确定的相异的对象的总体。

    A set or aggregate is a collection of definite , distinct objects of our intuition or of our intellect , to be conceived as a whole ( unity ) .

  27. 此外,他们说,这也是研究者集合一系列观察结果的最佳方式,而这是加快发现速度或者识别大规模趋势所必需的。

    Furthermore , they say , it is the best way for researchers to gather the range of observations that are necessary to speed up discoveries or to identify large-scale trends .

  28. BookCrossing的总经理布鲁斯·佩德森(BrucePederson)说:“遇到某些人和读书都能使你的生活发生改变。BookCrossing则集合了两者。”

    Bruce Pederson , the managing director of BookCrossing , says , " The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read . BookCrossing combines both . "

  29. 具有基数s\s.的集合,被称为是可列的或可数无穷的

    A set with cardinality s \ s.is said to be denumerable or countably infinite .

  30. 老师把全体同学集合在礼堂内。

    The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium .