
  • 网络syracuse;Syracuse University;snow city
  1. 沃德负责教授COM400“不可不知的社交媒体”和COM600“雪城大学社交媒体理论与实践”两门课程。

    Ward teaches com 400 , social media u need 2 know , and com 600 , social media theory and practice at Syracuse .

  2. 安和肯在雪城大学(SyracuseUniversity)读书时相识,他们婚后前几年都在纽约生活。

    Ann and Ken met as students at Syracuse University , and they lived in New York during the first few years of their marriage .

  3. 45岁的斯坦利·海耶斯·芒罗(StanleyHayesMunro)来自纽约的雪城(Syracuse),是一位牙签雕塑工程师。

    Stanley Hayes Munro , 45 , from Syracuse , New York , is a toothpick engineer .

  4. 美国纽约州立大学上州医科大学(SUNYUpstateMedicalUniversity,位于锡拉丘兹市,又译雪城)的精神病学教授史蒂芬·法劳内(StephenFaraone)表示,存在注意问题的患儿的家长无需因该研究结果而感到恐慌。

    Stephen Faraone , a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse , said the findings should not panic parents of children with attention problems .

  5. 一年多前,贝兹利决定放弃雪城大学的奖学金而选择一条通往NBA的潜在道路——发展联盟。

    It was a little more than a year ago when Bazley decided to forgo a scholarship at Syracuse for a potential path to the NBA via the G League .

  6. 就在这位摩根大通(jpmorganchase)首席执行官忙着应酬中国商界及政界领袖时,美国雪城大学(syracuseuniversity)学生对挑选他作为毕业典礼演讲人的决定表示了反对。

    While the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase was busy hobnobbing with corporate and government leaders in China , students at Syracuse University opposed the decision to pick him as graduation day speaker .

  7. 20世纪30年代,各大通讯社之间展开竞争,雪城大学的历史学家兼地理学家马克·蒙莫尼尔(MarkMonmonier)说,它们纷纷刊登气象图,因此所用的符号不再那么含糊,开始使用更简单、更有吸引力的图标设计。

    The symbols grew less obscure , says Mark Monmonier , a historian and geographer at Syracuse University , when competition among wire services , which started sending out weather maps in the ' 30s , led to simpler , more attractive designs .

  8. 纽约雪城大学的罗伯特J.汤姆生教授相信,大多数翻拍剧集之所以失败是因为制片人忽视了那些最初让这些剧集火起来的因素。

    Professor Robert J. Thompson of Syracuse University , New York , believed most TV remakes fail because the producers missed what it was about these shows that made them a hit in the first place .

  9. 在雪城大学的冻伤案件中,纽-阿尔法-斐兄弟会被禁止在校园活动,担任入会考验主管的两名会员——金泰(TaeKim,音)和杰弗里·任(JeffreyYam)遭到欺辱的轻罪指控,正在等待审讯。

    In the Syracuse case involving frostbite , Nu Alpha Phi was banned from campus and two of its members , Tae Kim and Jeffrey Yam , who served as pledge masters , are awaiting trial on a misdemeanor charge of hazing .

  10. 来雪城大学念书确实是明智的选择。

    You made a good decision coming to school here .

  11. 她们也都是从雪城大学毕业的

    and they all graduated from Syracuse , too .

  12. 美洲可持续承包了拆除某三级雪城,纽约停车大楼。

    A CSDA contractor removed three levels of a syracuse , New York parking building .

  13. 另外,英国和雪城大学也举行了纪念仪式,35名雪城大学的学生在爆炸事故中遇难。

    Addition ceremonies took place in the UK and Syracuse University which lost 35 students .

  14. 我问你最后一个问题,是不是有火族的人潜伏在刃雪城中?

    I asked that your last question , has the fire race 's person ambushes in edge Syracuse ?

  15. 和许多美国的学院和大学一样,雪城大学表示,它正在根据具体情况与国际学生进行协作。

    Like many U.S colleges and universities , Syracuse says it is working with international students on a case-by-case basis .

  16. 司法部依据《自由信息法》的规定公布了这份9.7万名被告的数据,《自由信息法》在雪城大学追踪项目的要求下实施。

    The 97000 number comes from the Justice Department through a Freedom of Information Act request by the track project of Syracuse University .

  17. 斯坦继续在美国纽约锡拉丘兹(雪城)科技博物馆搭建他的模型。

    Stan continues to work on his models at the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse , New York , United States .

  18. 雪城大学政府档案交流中心获取的政府数据表明,积压案件最多的州是加利福尼亚州、得克萨斯州和纽约州。

    Government data recently obtained by TRAC at Syracuse University show that the largest backlogs are in California , Texas and New York .

  19. 雪城大学的学生杰西卡陈在她的祖国越南接种疫苗时遇到了麻烦,那里直到7月份才开始正式落实接种疫苗。

    Syracuse University 'S student Jessica Tran had trouble getting inoculated in her home country of Vietnam where vaccinations didn 't begin in earnest until July .

  20. 他之后还为压低大学学费的计划,在雪城的亨宁格高中会见了一批高中生、家长和老师。

    He then made another pitch for his college affordability proposals to a crowd of high school students , parents and educators at Syracuses Henninger High School .

  21. 雪城大学政府档案交流中心的联席主任苏珊·朗表示,非法移民在出庭前平均要等待的时间超过1年半。

    TRAC 's co-director Susan Long says that unauthorized immigrants now have to wait on average more than a year and a half before they appear before a judge .

  22. 如果你对乔治·桑德斯)在2013年雪城大学毕业典礼上发表的演讲没有什么印象的话,那有可能是,他只想让你们记住“与人为善”这几个字。

    If you remember nothing else of George Saunders ' commencement address at Syracuse University in 2013 , odds are he 'd want you to know those two words .

  23. 因此雪城建筑相对布达拉宫主体建筑等级较低,在建筑装饰上更体现了藏式民间做法与官式做法的结合。

    The buildings In the village of Shol are inferior to the main buildings of the Potala Palace , and they show the formal mode and folk mode in architectural decoration .

  24. 我有一个爱发牢骚的伯祖父,我们这些家人是唯一能听他发牢骚的,美国雪城大学电视与流行文化教授罗伯特•汤普森说道。

    I had a great-uncle who complained about everything , but we were the only ones who heard it , says Robert Thompson , a professor of television and popular culture at Syracuse University , US .

  25. 从布法罗到雪城的行进过程中,总统中途在罗彻斯特的一家饭店和在读大学生、应届毕业生以及他们的父母共进午餐。

    As his motorcade made its way from Buffalo to Syracuse , the President stopped off in Rochester to have lunch at a restaurant with a small group of college students , recent graduates and their parents .

  26. 该文主要从宗教因素、建筑色彩、装饰图案等方面论述布达拉宫雪城建筑的装饰特征,特别强调建筑的不同构造做法所体现的装饰效果。

    This paper introduces the architectural decoration in Shol Village at the aspects of color , constructional detail , decorative pattern and so on , including the religion factor , Especially , the paper discusses the different decorative mode in different construction method .

  27. 其他负责发送暗号的四分卫,来自西弗吉尼亚大学的吉诺·史密斯以及来自雪城大学的瑞安·纳西卜有望在今天被选中,海斯曼奖候选人曼泰·蒂奥可能进入今天的第三轮选秀。最后四轮选秀将于周六举行。

    Other signal-callers , Geno Smith of West Virginia and Ryan Nassib of Syracuse 's can be selected today , as Heisman Trophy runner-up Manti Te'o round into and three of the draft occurred today , the final four rounds are held on Saturday .