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  1. 他一直觉得雷是被人陷害的,他是个糊涂蛋。

    He has long felt that Ray was set up , that he was a patsy .

  2. 那从远处传来,震雷般被压抑的回声鼓点,如母亲的心跳,在她混凝土、钢铁和电线构成的子宫中,抚慰着一个孩子。

    From far away , the thunderous , muffled , echoing beat was comparable to a mother 's heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete , steel , and electrical wiring .

  3. 他们正好踩上了饵雷,结果被炸得粉身碎骨。

    They walked right into a booby-trap and got blown to smithereens .

  4. 第二天,他们赶上一场雷阵雨,被浇湿了。这个陌生人病倒了,几天之后便死去了。

    The next day they got wet in a thunderstorm.The stranger fell ill and died a few days later .

  5. 雷克愚蠢地被她所骗。

    Rick be foolish to be take in by her .

  6. 他们知道雷很快就会被发现是个骗子。

    They know that ray 's gonna be found out as a faker .

  7. 雷哥则依旧被锁链拴住,正啃噬着牛骨的烧焦残余。

    Rhaegal , still chained , was gnawing on the carcass of a bull .

  8. 目的探讨银染法鉴定克雷伯杆菌生物被膜的可靠性。

    Objective To investigate the reliability of appraising biofilm of Klebsiella with silver staining method .

  9. 氮源中尿素对植生克雷伯菌生物被膜的形成也有促进作用,其它氮源几种影响效果不明显。

    Urea could also improve the forming of biofilm , but other nitrogen sources had no obvious effect .

  10. 方法采用改进的平板培养法建立克雷伯杆菌生物被膜,用银染法和扫描电镜进行观察鉴定。

    Methods Apply improved flat culture to make biofilm of Klebsiella , adopting silver staining method and scanning electron microscopy to observe and appraise .

  11. 认为事故不是由消雷器引起的,安装消雷器不会增加被保护区的落雷次数和由雷电二次效应所形成的事故。

    The author deems that these lightning accidents are not caused by SLE and indicates that the installation of SLE will not increase the number of grounding lightning stroke in its protective zone and the accident caused by its second effect .

  12. 图为私人医生康拉德•穆雷本周一,持续了六周的关于迈克尔·杰克逊私人医生过失导致杰克逊死亡的审讯结束。私人医生穆雷被判过失杀人罪成立。全球的杰克逊迷对这场官司都非常关注。

    Michael Jackson 's personal doctor was found guilty on Monday ofinvoluntary manslaughter in the singer 's death following a six-week trial that captivated Jackson fans around the world .