
  • 网络HONIARA;Solomon Islands
  1. 全副武装的外国军队和宵禁给霍尼亚拉市带来了平静,但许多华人还是无家可归和感到恐惧。

    Heavily armed foreign troops and a night curfew have brought calm to honiara , but many Chinese remain homeless and scared .

  2. 一名在南太平洋所罗门群岛参加多国援助行动的澳大利亚维和人员22日晨在所首都霍尼亚拉执行例行巡逻任务时被枪杀。

    An Australian officer of a regional intervention force in the Solomon Islands was killed in Honiara , capital of the South Pacific island country , on Wednesday .