
  • 网络Aomori;Aomori City;Aomori-shi
  1. 第五届亚洲冬季运动会将于2003年在日本青森市举行。

    Fifth Asian Winter Games in2003 will be held in the city of Aomori in Japan .

  2. 除了发电,青森市还可以像冰岛一样用温泉的热水为房屋供暖。

    Besides generating electricity , it could use the hot water from the springs to heat houses , as Iceland does .

  3. 共同社报导:日本7.4级的大地震发生在夜晚11时32分,在青森及秋田市的一些火力发电厂停止工作。

    The7.4-magnitude quake , which struck at11:32 pm in Japan , halted operations at some thermal power plants in Aomori and Akita prefectures , Kyodo news agency reported .