
  • 网络unsystematic risk;Non-Systemic Risk;Idiosyncratic Risk
  1. 金融信托业固有的行业属性与经营特点,决定了其系统性风险与非系统性风险必然交织杂揉,不仅空间并存,而且时间上继起。

    It is the intrinsic special characteristic and operational feature of the financial trust industry that determines the intertexture of its systematic and unsystematic risk .

  2. 实证结果显示:深证B股市场的股票定价行为与CAPM不符,非系统性风险对股票收益率有一定的解释能力。

    The positive result displays that the pricing behavior of Shenzhen B stock market is different with CAPM and non-systemic risk can explain stock profit in a certain extent .

  3. 结果显示我国IPO初始报酬率没有表现出明显的变化趋势,但对IPO公司非系统性风险具有揭示作用,或者说市场反馈假说在我国是成立的。

    As the result shows that there is no distinct tendency in IPO initial return movement in China , the hypothesis of market feedback gets supported .

  4. 农业保险是规避农业非系统性风险的重要财务手段,是现代农业发展的三大支柱之一,是WTO规则允许各国支持农业的绿箱政策之一,具有强大的社会福利功效,日益受到各国政府重视。

    Agriculture insurance is an important financial means to evade non-systemic agriculture risks ; one of three mainstays of modern agriculture development , one of Green Box Policies permitted by the rules of WTO to support agriculture , has great welfare efficiency and is thought much of by many governments .

  5. 利用威廉·夏普提出的资本资产定价模型(CAPM)对1999-2002年我国证券投资基金分散非系统性风险的效果进行实证分析,结果表明我国基金对非系统性风险的分散效果日益显著。

    This thesis empirically analyses the scattered effect of Chinese security fund nonsystematic risk from 1999 to 2002 based on capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ) . The result indicates that the scattered effect is getting prominent increasingly .

  6. 本文将重点探讨ETFs产品为什么能够用以套期保值,并讨论其套期保值操作的应用:①在规避个股系统性风险的情况下如何进行个股的非系统性风险投机;

    The purpose of this article is to explain why ETFs can be treated as a tool for hedging , and to discuss its applications & The first one is how to speculate in unique risk of a corporate stock when eliminating its systematic risk ;

  7. 融资租赁及其非系统性风险的预警研究

    Research on Financial Leasing and Its Non - system Risk Precaution

  8. 研究与股票投资的风险控制有关的几个问题:股票投资的系统性风险和非系统性风险的定量刻画的数学模型;

    Several problems concerning the risks control in the investments for stocks are studied .

  9. 证券市场风险可以划分为系统性风险和非系统性风险两大类。

    The risk in security market can be divided into system risk and non-system risk .

  10. 其次,利用现代投资理论,通过组合投资来消除非系统性风险;

    Secondly , it uses modern investment theory to dispel the unsystematic risks through combination investment .

  11. 第三章,中国股票市场系统性和非系统性风险的实证分析;

    Chapter Three , the empirical study of the systematic and non-systematic risk in China stock market ;

  12. 现代投资组合理论认为,充分多元化的投资组合可以分散甚至消除非系统性风险。

    According to the modern portfolio theory , diversified portfolio provides convenience to eliminate the non-systemic risk .

  13. 接着从金融风险生成的一般机理分析入手,对村镇银行非系统性风险与系统性风险产生的原因进行较深入的剖析。

    Secondly , the thesis analyzes the causes of systemic and non-systemic risks of village and town banks .

  14. 关键问题在于,与之相关的美国信用评级被调降证明,这个体系高度暴露在非系统性风险之下。

    Critically , the related US credit downgrade illustrates that the system is highly exposed to idiosyncratic risks .

  15. 企业经营过程中的风险因素可以分为系统性风险和非系统性风险。

    In general , the risk factors in the business operation lie in either systemic risks or non-systemic risks .

  16. 投资者在股票市场中主要是面临两大风险,分别是系统性风险与非系统性风险。

    Investors in the stock market is facing two major risk , respectively is the systemic risk and the non-systematic risk .

  17. 并且在相对不成熟的资本市场上企业可以通过多元化经营部分代替投资者来构造业务组合从而规避非系统性风险,从而多元化企业有着更高的市场价值。

    They may also create shareholder value by building business portfolio to reduce risk partly instead of investors in immature information-scarce market .

  18. 而作为规避农业非系统性风险重要财务手段的农业保险在我国却举步维艰。

    Meanwhile , the business of agricultural insurance in China , an important financial means to avoid non-systemic risk , is struggling .

  19. 另外,社保基金股票投资组合的非系统性风险分散能力不强,这说明基金管理人的操作能力还有待加强。

    In addition , the dispersion capacity of non-systematic risk of stock portfolios of National Social Security Fund is not very good .

  20. 横向风险分担机制在规避非系统性风险方面占有优势,而跨期风险分担在规避系统性风险方面占有优势。

    The lateral risk sharing mechanism has advantage in avoiding non_systematic risk , and the later has advantage in avoiding systematic risk .

  21. 分析了干散货船公司存在风险的表现,并将多种风险分为系统性风险和非系统性风险。

    To begin with , it analyzed the risk performances of the dry bulk carrier companies and divided varieties of risks into systematic risk and non-systemic risk .

  22. 非系统性风险可以通过分散投资构建投资组合进行规避,但是系统性风险却无法通过分散投资达到规避控制的目的。

    Non systematic risk can be dispersed through investment portfolio construction to avoid , but systemic risk can not through a dispersive investment to avoid controling purposes .

  23. 本文从证券投资基金的基础知识出发,以风险理论和现代资产组合管理理论作为理论依据,系统的研究了我国证券投资基金的风险,包括系统性风险、非系统性风险和特有风险三部分。

    Starting with the basic theories of the security investment funds , base on the risk theory and modern assets management theory , this paper study the risk in three parts .

  24. 第三章风险的识别从风险一般谈起,论述了期货市场风险的特殊性,继而按系统性风险和非系统性风险的分类方法对期货市场的风险进行划分。

    In this chapter , writer explains specific characteristics of risk in the future market and distinguish risk of future market . According to category method of systematic risk and non-systematic risk .

  25. 由于证券市场存在的失灵现象以及不同于场内交易市场的系统性和非系统性风险因素,它要求必须对场外交易市场进行监管。

    Supervision gets essential in the over-the-counter market . because of the existence of the securities market failures and the systematic and non-systemic risk factors different from those of floor trading market .

  26. 股票市场主要有两种风险:系统性风险和非系统性风险.其中,系统性风险是由宏观因素决定的,难以通过分散投资组合的方法加以回避。

    There are mainly two kinds of risks in the stock market : systematic ones and unsystematic ones . Systematic ones are determined by Macro factors which are difficult to be averted through portfolios .

  27. 研究中引申沿用了证券投资领域中系统性风险和非系统性风险的概念,将区域银行体系风险以是否可以分散为标志划分为系统性风险和非系统性风险;

    This paper , firstly , introduces and develops the concepts of systematic risk and nonsystematic risk in securities investment sector , which are used to classify regional banking system risk in the light of dispersion or non-dispersion .

  28. 作为主要经营信用业务的银行业是一种特殊的行业,并且其在经营中会面临着各种各样系统性风险和非系统性风险的双重挑战,因而是一个高风险的行业。

    Banking sector as a special industry , mainly engaged in credit business , and its operations will be faced with the dual challenges of a variety of systemic risk and non-systematic risk , which is a high risk industry .

  29. 流动性风险是一种非系统性风险,往往仅影响单个金融机构,但在特殊环境下非常容易转化为系统性风险,产生传染效应和多米诺效应,从而波及整个金融体系。

    Liquidity risk is a non-systemic risk , often affect only a single financial institution , but under special circumstances very easily converted into systemic risk , contagion effects and the domino effect , thus affecting the entire financial system .

  30. 本文研究的出发点被定位在非系统性风险管理上,即对商业银行在开展汽车消费贷款业务过程中的内部风险进行分析,并通过制度和技术设计来控制与管理风险。

    The starting point of the thesis is oriented to nonsystematic risk management , i.e. , analyze the inherent risks of commercial banks with the car-purchasing loans , control and manage them by system - design and technology - design .