
  • 网络Surface classification;Faceted Classification;section classification
  1. 组件库的管理主要有两种方法:体系分类法和分面分类法。

    There mainly exist two classification schemas , which are systematic classification and faceted classification .

  2. 根据面向对象的软件重用的特点,提出了一个基于面分类法的分类查询机制的模型,并且给出了采用该分类查询机制的软件重用支撑系统的体系结构,以及其查询子系统的实现策略。

    A design model of the query mechanism based on faceted classification for object-oriented reuse is proposed . The architecture of a software reuse supporting system using the model is introduced and implementation strategy of its query subsystem is outlined .

  3. 研究并构想了分面分类法在园林行业中的应用,修订了DC元数据及其扩展元素,并对网络信息资源组织提出了若干建议。

    This paper analyses and conceives the application of the face classification in the field of Chinese landscape architecture . It revised the DC metadata and the extensible elements of it . This paper also puts some suggestions of organization of network information resource .

  4. 接着采用线分类法和面分类法相结合的方法建立质量工具知识的分类体系;

    And establishing quality tools knowledge classification combining surface classified method and line classified method .

  5. 基于信息的分类方法:线分类法、面分类法、线面混合分类法,对城市地理信息进行分类。

    We classify the urban geographic information which is based on the classification method of information : linear classification method , surface classification method , line and plane hybrid classification method .

  6. 文章对传统的分面分类法(Facetedclassification)进行了修改和扩充,在此基础上提供了一个新的分类体系对组件库进行科学地分类和管理;

    In this paper , some modification and extension are pursued on the traditional classifying method ( Faceted Classification ) to provide a new classifying system , by which we classify and manage the multifarious components on Internet into a component repository .

  7. 提出了投影面体系分类法、投射方向分类法和物体分类法的视图三要素分类法;

    A three-element classification of views is proposed for classification of plants system , projected direction and object .

  8. 浅析等级列举式分类法与分面组配式分类法7.按点火方式分类。

    Grade Enumerative Classification and Faceted Synthetic Classification ; 7 . Type of ignition .