
miàn é
  • denomination;value;face
面额 [miàn é]
  • (1) [denomination]∶代表一系列特定价值的票面数额

  • (2) [value]∶票面价值

  • 这儿不久就要发行一种新票面额的航空邮票

  • (3) [face]∶泛指面部

  • 面额焦烂。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

面额[miàn é]
  1. 在人民币的面额识别上,结合了神经网络的优点,提取人民币图像轮廓点个数作为特征向量,设计了50305的3层BP神经网络的识别方法,给出了BP神经网络的学习规则;

    In the recognition of the denomination , with the neural network advantage from the point of delivery as a feature vector images contours . The 50305 BP neural network recognition methods is designed , the BP neural network learning rules is given .

  2. 人民币纸币面额识别方法的研究

    Funny Money The Research on Denomination Identifying Methods of RMB Banknote

  3. 他从衣袋里掏出厚厚的一沓面额10英镑的钞票。

    He pulled a thick wad of £ 10 notes out of his pocket .

  4. 他给了我5张50美元面额的钞票。

    He gave me five fifty-dollar notes .

  5. 市民可以选择5元、10元、20元和50元4种不同面额的纸币,而通常情况下,ATM机只能取出一百元纸币。

    The ATM allows people to withdraw 5 , 10 , 20 and 50 yuan notes . Normally only one hundred yuan notes can be withdrawn3 from ATMs .

  6. 我借着月光看着这惨白的面额,这双紧闭的眼睛,这随风飘动的绺绺头发,这时我对自己说道:“我所看到的仅仅是外表。最重要的是看不见的……”

    In the moonlight I looked at his pale forehead , his closed eyes , his locks of hair that trembled in the wind , and I said to myself : " What I see here is nothing but a shell . What is most important is invisible ... "

  7. 它的主要功能是识别纸币的面额、面向、新旧程度,以满足新旧纸币的清分和挑选适合ATM机纸币的需求。

    For the need of the ATM 's demand , Currency Sorter mainly classifies the new and used bills , face direction and denomination of the bills .

  8. 我要2张面额50元的礼券。

    I will take two of twenty five dollars gift certificates .

  9. 他拿出一沓面额是十美元的钞票。

    He pulled out a fat wad of $ 10 bills .

  10. 你要哪种面额的旅行支票?

    In what denominations would you like the traveler 's check ?

  11. 请问你要多大面额的钞票,先生。

    May I know what denominations would you like , sir .

  12. 也许你应该让手头上的钱都是大面额。

    Maybe you should keep your on-hand greenery in big bills .

  13. 请给我10张面额为100美元的旅行支票。

    Please give me ten traveler 's cheque of100 dollars each .

  14. 人民币依其面额支付。

    RMB shall be paid according to its face value .

  15. 这些硬币面额5元,可与普通货币一样用于流通。

    The coin costs 5 yuan and can be used as currency .

  16. 新的防伪特徵会否应用于其他面额的钞票上?

    Will new security features be applied to banknotes of other denominations ?

  17. 我们以贵方为受益人,已开立面额1000000元的信用证。

    We have established a credit in your favour for $ 1000000 .

  18. 更大面额的纸币也有,但是并不怎么普遍流通。

    Paper money for higher amounts exists but is not very common .

  19. 3:硬币或纸币的面额

    3 : a form or denomination of coin or paper

  20. 麻烦你给我四张百元大钞,余额就给我小面额的钞票。

    Four one-hundred-dollar bills and the rest in smaller bills , please .

  21. 你想把他们中的一些换成小面额的吗?

    Would you like some of them in small denominations ?

  22. 请给我兑换一些面额较少的钱币好吗?

    Could you break this bill into smaller change ?

  23. 内附一张面额为100镑的支票。

    Enclosed please find a cheque for & 100 .

  24. 你能把它换成一些面额小一点的吗?

    Can you change it into something smaller ?

  25. 职员:你要什么面额的?

    Clerk : How would you like it ?

  26. 然后将一张20法郎面额的钞票递给了老人。

    then handed the woman a 20-franc note .

  27. 那你给我小面额的钱。

    Then you should give me smaller cash .

  28. 旅行支票你要哪种面额的旅行支票?

    traveler 's check In what denominations would you like the traveler 's checks ?

  29. 微红的面额与红琥珀一起在耀眼的灯光中闪烁。

    Bits of her ruddy cheeks sparkled as the amber glinted in dazzling lights .

  30. 小面额不是钱了?

    Small bills aren 't money anymore ?