
  1. 韩复榘与山东的民族工商业

    Han Fu-ju 's Role in the Development of Shandong 's National Industry and Commerce

  2. 李服膺、韩复榘等逃跑主义者的被杀,是杀得对的。

    The execution of Li fu-ying , Han Fu-chu and other flightists was justified .

  3. 然而,这和韩复榘式的逃跑主义是没有相同之点的。

    However , it has nothing in common with flightism of the Han Fu-chu brand .

  4. 因此,运动战决不能被韩复榘一类人所借口,决不是只有向后的运动,没有向前的运动;

    Hence mobile warfare is in no way an excuse for people like Han Fu-chu and can never mean moving only backward , and never forward ;