
  1. 生育专家称一项对南澳大利亚为期十年的大范围流产模式研究,直接反映了新的生育模式,妇女们在尽量推迟生育时间。

    Fertility experts say the trend , captured in an extensive South Australian study of abortion patterns over the past decade , directly reflects new procreation patterns showing women are doing all they can to delay motherhood .

  2. 《飞乐时空》是一项一年一度由南大中文学会所主办的国际词曲创作比赛。

    Music Express is an annual event organised by the NTU Chinese Society Singing Group .

  3. 这项决议还鼓励南部非洲发展共同体继续调解工作。

    The resolution also encourages the Southern Africa Development Community , SADC , to continue its mediation efforts .

  4. 这项规定由伦敦南部的默顿地方议会做出,违规的居民会被罚款。

    Those residents who fail to meet the restrictions imposed by Merton Council , in south London , will be fined .

  5. 这项研究采用了南加州大学儿童健康研究的资料,包括了南加州13个社区的儿童呼吸系统健康的纵向研究数据。

    The study drew upon data from the USC Children 's Health Study , a longitudinal study of respiratory health among children in13 Southern California communities .

  6. 根据这项协议,苏丹南部成立了半自治的南方政府,成立了一个全国权力分享政府,并且要求今年举行全国大选,在2011年对苏丹南部从苏丹分离出去的问题举行全民公决。

    The agreement created a semi-autonomous southern government , a power-sharing national government , and called for national elections this year and a referendum on southern secession in2011 .

  7. 它东与新蔡县、安徽省临泉县接壤,西与汝南县交界,北与上蔡县、周口项城市相邻,南隔汝河与正阳县相望。

    It borders on the west of Xincai county and Linquan county , on the east of Runan county , on the south of Shangcai county and Xiangcheng county , on the north of Zhengyang county apart the Ru River .

  8. 相类似的一项研究,去年南加州大学的研究发现每六个月禁食两到四天能强制身体有生存模式,耗尽身体储存的脂肪和糖分,分解老细胞。

    Similarly , a University of Southern California study published last year found fasting for two to four days every six months forces the body into survival mode , using up stores of fat and sugar and breaking down old cells .